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    After 2 months of war Ukraine has finally CUT the SUPPLY OF GAS TO EUROPE via the pipeline that runs through the country. In addition to this Russia has ABANDONED all of the GAZPROM European Subsidiaries and applied SANCTIONS against all of them to prevent the TRANSMISSION of Gas. It has also SANCTIONED the Polish Pipeline that supplies Germany. It now looks like a FULL SWITCH OFF of the supply is likely which will cause CHAOS in Europe. In this video I provide the full details and assess the likely impact on both Europe and the Global Economy.

    For specific details please check out the CHAPTER list below.

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    0:00 Intro
    2:27 PUTIN & G7
    4:31 GAS PRICE
    7:01 RUSSIAN GAS
    8:56 GAS STORAGE



    1. The wisest thing that should be on everyones' mind currently, should be, To invest in different streams of income that doesn't depend on the government, especially with the current economic crisis around the world.

    2. I don't see the problem…. The media have told us for years that Europe is a model of "renewable energy". What's the matter? Windmills not cutting it?

    3. Why would Ukraine need to bomb the pipeline? They could just turn the tap in western Ukraine 🤷🏻‍♂️ would not be financially sensible since they get transit fees

    4. You are full of it. The sanctions are from the West, not Russia. Russia didn’t leave their assets, they were stolen by the West. Please stop justifying the EU illegal and amoral actions and blaming it on Russia. All of those sanctions are from the West. Russia’s ruble requirement is only logical in terms of accepting USD or Euros would only be stolen again anyway. So, why would any country accept to ship gas for free? Answer this Joe!!
      All of the problems are around the madness of crazy masochist sanctions. Add in the sanctioning of Siberian cats, a Russian tree , Tsaichovsky’s Swan Lake ballet, what type of increased stupidity can EU do. Joe, why are you lying so much? Is it because you are British and feel that you are supporting Bojo by these distorted coverage?

    5. Russia still has the losing hand. Even if Germany, Italy or any other European countries breaks the oil sanction and feeds Russia's economy so that Russia can keep running their offensive war effort, Germany and etc can equally also keep supplying Ukraine with resources for defensive effort which will prolong the war by more years. Ultimately, by that time alternatives to replace Russian oil will have been established so Russian oil will have lost significant market share. Putin's war is causing prices of everything to go higher which was already started by China's COVID and now supply problems. Both Russia and China find themselves having to pay more for imports which is pretty much their fault to begin with. For China, their politics is pushing out manufacturing out of China to Vietnam, India, Mexico, or even back to the US. For Russia, the invasion of Ukraine doesn't bring any gains. They are just depleting their own weapons supply and soldiers. They are not getting new oil wells or anything better for themselves for their war effort. Russia is in damage control. Their main export is oil and they are losing long time paying customers by their own politics. The US, North America India, Asia and the Arab oil states will do well from this.

    6. Poland's LNG sea terminal already operates, a new pipeline running from Norway into Poland will be operational by the end of this year. That should compensate for those 2 Russian closed pipelines. AT least for Poland (sorry, Germany).

    7. Why doesn't dillusioal, Rothschild controlled Europe conform and make peace with Russia. Don't push it and get your yellow asses kicked without possible recovery.
      Russia will never let Rothschild and cohorts ever take them down.
      Get it together joe
      Your smart but reading life the incorrect way

    8. It would be great if we could all get along and at times we look like we’re doing better but then a guy like Putin comes along! He is driven by how he was raised and trained. He is greedy and is psychopathic!

    9. Trump warned them at the UN about depending on Russia for gas……..he was laughed at…..especially by the Germans. Perhaps more virtue-signaling will heat their homes and cook their food

    10. Russia fucking themself .EU can survive this take little time but be ok but with out West investment and money put in to invest .Russia with out money coming to Russia is going to big problem for them that basiclly around 45 bilion in month .

    11. 30 seconds in …Russian pipelines that go through the Ukraine.. legit targets.. they don't want you giving Putins lot money and using it to bomb them, so big holes in the pipelines… Not just that either, a lot got hit IN Russia itself.. no one knows who it is doing it either.. either Russians who are upset or the Ukranians.

    12. Nuclear power is the best option. Then there's fracking if they want to be independent. 3rd option is LNG. They don't want the better two options because of internal politics. Too bad they wasted all that time and energy with solar trash because the population doesn't understand how bad it is.

    13. I think no matter how you look at it the biggest loser will be Europe in the 2-3 year time from from , wheat, energy, currency devaluation(also because they are putting price caps on energy so print more euros), more expensive imports, de-industrialization to a certain extent, high debt (already there also Ukraine will ask them to pay), high refugees, highly armed n*** running around … And many more reasons. Also these will work together and compound.

    14. Our (European and American) governments are probably regretting starting this conflict. They opened a pandoras box and have lost control of it. Again.

    15. Russia may not have the gas to export anymore, rather they may have lost the ability to produce it.

      A lot of their natural gas production is associated with oil production. When you extract oil you also can get natural gas. With the slow down of crude oil deliveries their's less gas production.

    16. It's an amazing how Germany — a country renowned for intelligence — could be so profoundly stupid that they decommissioned their nuclear power along with coal plants so that they could become reliant on Russia. Foolishness. Germany is going to get what it deserves.

    17. I think you ought to add the fact the recession you talk about will trigger a total collapse of the British and European economies , you could say a worsr ďepression than the 1930's
      German industry will shutdown pretty soon then the collapse begins

    18. Finding a solution to the Ukraine problem is not difficult at all. But it will not happen unless both the sides are weakened considerably.

    19. fakes information by Joe Blogs, Ukarine stop delivery of Russian gas from pipeline pass through Ukarine not Russian stop gas to Europe onlt to Polan and Bulgaria because they do not want to pay in rubbles

    20. The boss killing Europ slowing not using not one shot lol ….Mr. Putin the boss right and he should of put a no fly zone over Ukraine too… long live Russia…from the starting of this war am not hearing anything about covid again lol …Russia is killing the game they are playing

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