The markets are getting beaten down and this might be the epic crash of the century. How should we invest? Is there any asset that we can even run to? Holding on to cash might seem like the safest option, but even that isn’t ideal as inflation is still crazy high. How about precious metals or stocks? In this video, we will go through why the free lunch is over but we must still make our decision on where to invest our money.

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    ✅ Timestamps & Chapters:
    0:00 Welcome To The Crash
    5:08 Buying Stocks
    7:00 Stay In Cash?
    8:29 Gold & Silver
    11:12 Hide In Bonds?
    12:49 Welcome To Investing Hell

    Subscribe to my channel where we dive deeper into the world of gold, silver & investing:
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    Helpful videos for gold investing:
    – Start With Silver Or Go Straight For Gold?:
    – How Much Gold To Own:
    – How High Can Gold Prices Go:

    Learn how to buy physical gold:

    Here’s how to buy physical silver:

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    The information presented on this channel is for news, education, and entertainment purposes only. The information does not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any investment product(s) or investment strategies, or a substitute for professional investment advice. It does not take into account your specific investment objectives, financial situation or needs. I am not a financial advisor or a licensed investment professional. Please consult with your financial advisor before following any investment strategies discussed herein.


    1. Sup your channel.i like your insights,statistics,and info.even though I don't agree with everything you say,you have your own style of a stacker channel.i think it's great and you deserve more subscribers.keep up the good work.I like to hear non American points of view.thanx

    2. American and Canadian are addicted to shopping. They bought expensive stuff at Amazon and then sell cheap at the market. Myself also became a shopping addict for the whole of last year. And then I regretted it now. I should have save the money and buy one piece of jewellery every month. I would have accumulated ten plus piece of jewellery by now instead of all my money going down the drain last year. At least if I bought gold last year, gold won't go to zero. It is a good store of value and better than the money put in the bank interest cannot catch up with inflation. I made a bad move addicted to shopping last year. I think American are the same too addicted to shopping. And then the European bank negative interest rate. They charged money for money save in the bank. Why put so much money in the bank then? Why not buy gold? If people wake up to this there could be a rush of people in US and Europe buying gold especially Europe in high inflation now and their bank charged money for saving in the bank.

    3. stack cash now, im 41% cash now.. … wait for BTC to tank to 20K and below. For gold to 1650 and silver to $17-$18. then deploy the cash into these assets. bull market make u money, but bear market make u RICH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. I am older, but I have eliminated debt. I have also been putting away silver, gold, platinum for about 3 decades now. I have about 8-10% of my assets in metals. But that does not provide a return, but I am hoping it will keep me independent. The dollar is something that concerns me. Not that I expect it to fail in the foreseeable future. But I think it will erode through inflation. I think most of the world's currencies are in the same situation. I do buy index funds and I do dollar cost average and rebalance 4X per year. In short, keep your spirits up, avoid debt, risk and fear. Put the same dollar amount in to metals and other investments (true dollar cost averaging), rebalance and that is the best anyone can do. You have to go on living, no matter what crap the world throws at us.

    5. So , are we get ready for more storm ?
      Hope everyone is prepared.
      Have your asset stay in dark.
      Whole world is in end game , the horrible shit hits the fan situation ready to come , and anyway , no matter you have half ounce , one ounce or unlimited ounce of gold and silver , just hold the line 😀👍

    6. Keep working, keep saving, pay off debt, invest, stack and occasionally just turn off the news. Go outside. Get exercise, talk to a neighbor, take a walk in the forest. Stay balanced! Best wishes to all 😄

    7. I'm buying the fear lotta people made money during previous crashes it's getting harder and harder to get ahead, this could be a trap or an opportunity a massive stumble or a gain I'm gonna take the risk dividend defensive stocks, along with essential commodities for industry n growth when it swings back around, solid blue chips along with riskier buys that tbh I'm not informed enough to know the outcome what I do know is prices for top notch,proven companies are down and right now I can buy in and acquire more ownership n stakes then I've had chance to before. If they sink I've lost decent amount of cash but long term 5-10yrs I believe it will be beneficial…if not and it gets that bad metals should shine so theoretically it's all good 🤔😎👍 I've been worried as hell since end of last year every damn day what I think is there will be bounce back n if we take a chance it has 50-50 odds. Way world is trending towards maybe this is an opportunity that will be very hard to find again, universal basic income? Who knows anything anymore get it while we can. Aka more random rambling as usual 👀🤐

    8. The evolution of your channel from precious metals to the broader macroeconomic situation is been interesting and informative to watch bro, we're all here from shared interests and mentality of PMs but your overall outlook on financials is quite insightful 🤔 also your dropping crazy scenario money metaphors like a master…Chuck Norris nutkicks for all 👀😭

    9. Staying zen and keeping focus on the LONG LONG term endgoal. The markets/economy can’t crash for 30 years in a row. At the same time, fiat currencies do have lost their value for straight decades in a row. On the flipside of this, gold has been rising and will forever steadily (sometimes a bit slower, sometimes a bit faster) keep on rising in intrinsic value. All this requires a mentality of calmness, confidenceness and psychological stability.

    10. sorry i just never understand the view of buying into a known coming financial hurricane. its like gee i better buy that beach house in case it survives the storm! i just dont get it. the best defense in a bear market is to forecast what companies will go broke, & use new capital to short them…providing a true hedge & balance back losses you may get from your long term positions.

    11. It all starts with yourself and then moves outward into ever wider spheres: invest in your health and well-being first and doing whatever it takes to stay out of the hospital; pay off debts and stay that way; buy extra household goods/food to get through hard times; buy things that have real value, e.g. bullion, land, a (valuable) business. Savings and wise choices are essential, and the key to the whole process is discipline (the hardest part lol…).
      Nothing without a price.

    12. Fortunately, we are debt free. Continuing to invest in stocks (carefully), buy gold on the dips. Another insightful video Sean. Stay strong, as my mother used to say, “this too shall pass.”

    13. Most Americans are on the road to poverty. As long as the Federal Reserve exists things will not get better. Criminals in Washington are protecting the establishment not the people. The Federal Reserve was created to suck the wealth out of the population!

    14. I hope people make the right decision. I can remember trying to time this thing everytime the price dipped a little in 2009. It's almost impossible

    15. Sean – I’ve always enjoyed, and largely agreed, with your perspective. Recently, your views have become increasingly sensationalist and cynical. You’ve started to sound like a lot of the commonplace, flat Earth, doom and die, the sun is falling and there is no moon for silver (or anything) to go to prognosticator. A run-of-the-mill, all-in, desperate for a change in direction, YouTube “stacker”. I’ve recently learned that the world is going to run out of metals, food, oxygen and cash all at the same time. Sadly, these sorts of doomsday prophecies, I think, are counterproductive. Best of luck and thank you.

    16. Hi Sean, I've decided to postpone my planned to buy a condo. Yes, I believed markets are imploding. Bank mortgage rate are going up. I'll wait and see where the economy is heading. Meanwhile, I'll invest in physical gold and silver to hedge against high inflation. Thank you.

    17. Michael Burry said something along the side of all index / etf type funds are in a bubble. So what was your reason to stay in index funds? His main concern was the liquidity issues index funds may have compared to regular stocks. Everyone feels index funds are safer because of the lower volatility but his main concern if i recall was if everyone started to sell at once trying to exit would collapse the price kinda like Terra Luna. My goal is to do something similar to you but working backwards (paper trading the market and based on my initial picks if they end up wrong i will start a position). My investment strategy is similar to Joel Greenblatt with my own spin modifications to his method of investing. And i try to stick to undervalued companies in my portfolios while owning some blue chips to balance it out. All these markets are interconnected so.. based on what they do is how i invest. I do a bit of everything only because there is lessons to be learned.

    18. Money, is just paper, based on a figment of your imagination. You all believed the same lie thats been told for 1000s of years.

    19. Believe it or not, Robinhood was a great place for me to build a portion of my portfolio over the last few years. Adding shares fee free was great! I had 0 issues.
      However, I wasn't comfortable having a Robinhood acct anymore because of what we witnessed in the 2020 selloff. Transferred acct elsewhere.. Physical 1st! Equities 2nd

    20. More videos like this talking off script. Sometimes the best thing is wait and see if the bear markets are close to an end or just beginning.

    21. As a someone who has experienced stagflation and oil embargos way back in the 1970's my advice is as follows:

      1. Get out of debt now. This is most important and your first priority.

      2. If you're going to invest, stick with basic commodities. Oil, grains, cotton, the world will always need energy, food and clothing. When the recession hits you may put off buying the latest smart phone, so tek stocks are not an immediate concern. If you still have money left for savings store it in gold, not fiat currency.

      3. Remain calm. In the long run, it will be okay.

      Thanks for another great video Sean. Keep em coming.

    22. Hey Sean, Thank you for your content! I think I mentioned before that I'm buying small amounts of solid mining stocks on the way down. In the meantime, in my deeper analysis, I did get a little position on LNG. I'm also picking up very tiny amounts of uranium on the way down.

    23. Maybe you guys don't know or believe this is happening but I think we are going through the Great Reset which leads to New World Order.

      I wonder what will happen to gold and silver if a NWO is established.

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