Supply and demand imbalances and the high cost of crude oil are causing large increases in Arizona petrol prices.


    1. Up here in Canada we are paying $2 per litre. With 4 & 1/2 litres per gallon that would be like paying $9 per gallon, šŸ˜”

    2. They say its because the high cost of crude oil but they won't say why crude is so high. They refuse to say the actual reason they have climbed i wonder why.

    3. The fascist in Russia needs to be taken down. Our companies are not regulated. You canā€™t blame the president when the prices are high everywhere around the world. So keep crying, conservatives. Switch to electric.

    4. greed is behind the increase in price. I know firsthand this is true. Profits on a gallon of gas highest in history at all the retail gasoline stations.

    5. You won't hear this station, or any other, offering the most compelling advice: get rid of your car. The media is too closely tied via advertising to the gas and car industries.

    6. 1st get rid of US oil. 2nd get rid of Russian oil. 3rd increase taxes and regulations raising business costs. Hey! Why is gas so expensive??? How's that happen? You get what you vote for. These clowns even told folks they would do this. And the idiots still voted for them.

    7. this is what happens when you rely on foreign sources for oil or gas, thank the current administration it's totally on them.

    8. Don't you remember when Biden said a couple months ago after the invasion of the Ukraine and he sanctioned Russian oil imports and the price of gasoline skyrocketed, every time we fill up our gas tanks we are "socking it to Russia".
      Aren't you happy for doing your part?

    9. What's behind it is Creepy Joe and his Clown show wondering how high they will have to drive the gas prices to get you in an Electric Car.

    10. I hate how Democrats & Republicans dont talk about price gauging by Chevron, Shell, BP and never do anything about it. And if something doesn't change, your going to have Boston Tea Party Moment. Because price increase w/o representation will piss off the market.

    11. This isn't over night this happen bc Biden shut down keystone and now we have to rely on foreign energy also the war in Ukrainian that every wants to see happen manly nato.
      That's why we got out of nato so we don't have to send our fule food and resources to someone else's problem.
      Wake up people Russian and Ukrainian have been fight sense the late 1200 read history and education.

    12. Hot temperature, high gas prices.
      At this point I'm not surprised if they poisoned our water supply, burned our crops and delivered a plague into our houses

    13. Maybe if the Keystone hadnā€™t been shutdown , thank you ā€œBrandonā€ we would have continued to be energy independent instead of importing with prices determined by OPEC.

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