Oil, gas and mining

The vague promise of Operation Vulindlela | John Endres

South Africa is in urgent need of economic policy reform. David Ansara and John Endres of the CRA argue that the reforms contained in President Ramaphosa’s ‘Operation Vulindlela’ are too little, too late.


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  1. 🤣🤣🤣 just like the New Dawn.
    We are being played. He is a Davos member.
    The whole world is going thru a grain crisis that will be felt in western countries in Sept/October. Sri Lanka, Iran and Turkey a few others seeing implosion. No money no grain and populations taking to the streets.
    When will South Africa join them. How full are our grainbins. Have we enough farmers left to grow the 50% wheat we need. Haven’t even mentioned the corn🙈
    We are coasting along as Cyril knows disaster will beat his utterings and he can’t be blamed.
    Get growing veggies get a few chickens and be the best neighbour you can be.
    You will be on your own. No west coming to save us.
    Time to start praying.

  2. On the fast track road to zim 2.0…. there are no difference in policy between zanupf and the anc…it all ends in ruin. To believe anything squirrel says…..you do that at your own peril.

  3. As we all know, the man, Cyril Rampokker (Afrikaans for “racketeer”) is a man of all talk and no walk. He is the embodiment of the ANC: useless and absolutely inept for the post he fills.

  4. Better implementation bla bla bla…..never going to happen. Looking to the ANC to fix this country is like looking to a sex offender to improve conditions at a day care centre. Frightening thought.

  5. As long as racist policies like BEE/AA, quotas, cadre deployment, RET, EWC, NHI etc remain entrenched as cornerstone principles of ANC, all Ramaphosa's promises remain nothing but hot air & duplicitous nonsense. He & his party are never to be trusted – at all.

  6. Cyril the Squirrel Ramapinocchio won't improve anything except for bringing South A under the global New 'International' World🌎 Order. He'll enrich himself by corruption. He's likely already a €$£ billionaire purely from corruption —bribe billionaire £€$❕️

  7. An astute analysis. But perhaps the red tape and outdated paper system in mining applications is one of the ANCs policies that is a blessing in disguise. The catastrophic long term effects of mining up here on the west coast, will only be truly felt by our children. The equally unfortunate growth in industrial farming and its capturing and polluting of our river systems, apparently looks good to all of you who live in the cities and see our countryside as yet another “resource” for your weekend trips. A realistic risk analysis of both these “industries” might serve your clients well, as the people wake up the the drying up of their wells, the desertification of our landscape, and the disproportionate wealth of increasingly centralised big business in partnership with our increasingly centralised government. Time to get real here.

  8. Its typical tactics from the GOVERNMENT! Redirection and they will F that up also just like everything they touch. More of the same BLA BLA BLA….etc! Squirrel is useless he can't do anything but make is pockets deeper with money from business he owns but did not create it was all given to him. Normal South Africans must take out future into our own hands and private business and build the economy and start by creating a sustainable solution on a small scale and grow from there. This government does not give a SH1T about us especially if we are white.

  9. The “cANCer” has been in a State of Disaster and Chaos for 28 years – Nothing will ever change as long as these leeches are in Government – When you see and hear bullshit – It is bullshit – Coating bullshit in sugar won’t make it taste any better – 👎👎😡😡💩💩 – Blah Blah Blah – !!

  10. Now you know why the countries in Africa are known as "DEVELOPING" countries. Truth is, they don't develop, and I am not going to air my opinions as to why, lest I get branded a racist.

  11. what idiological busines fools are still believing any of the nonsense the this goverment says.. A new goverment is the only reform left that can show any hope for the country.

  12. Ramaphosa has always talked about reforms but his actions and policies is 180 degrees from what needs to be done. If the South Africa wants to be successful then the ANC needs to be booted out.

  13. When will they show and tell? Never.
    They talk but can they show the plans? No.
    Be patient. Can the show the timelines for each project. No.
    All lies.

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