⬇How To Stake Your Cardano In Minutes With Crypto Capital Venture!⬇
    Stake Your ADA With Ticker: CCV1 ➡ https://youtu.be/cikJiJgRZFQ

    IOHK Cardano article – https://iohk.io/en/blog/posts/2021/10/21/cardano-robust-resilient-and-flexible/

    Cardano vs. Solana article referenced – https://www.thenewsminute.com/article/cardano-or-solana-where-invest-your-next-rs1000-162818

    ⚡ Follow Dan On Twitter
    ⚡ http://twitter.com/cryptorecruitr

    Crypto Capital Venture New – Cycles of Bitcoin – https://www.tradingview.com/chart/BLX/IzGnRABO-The-Cycles-Of-Bitcoin-Speculative

    *Crypto Capital Venture does not guarantee or make any representations or claims to any particular amount of staking rewards that you will earn through delegating your Cardano. Any return that the protocol disburses to you is decided by the protocol. You are not investing your Cardano with Crypto Capital Venture. Delegating to a Crypto Capital Venture stake pool does not involve transferring or legally assigning the Cardano or the rights thereof. Crypto Capital Venture simply serves as a validator and provides community members a way to delegate to the Cardano Protocol consensus mechanism. All staking percentage rates and all rules and parameters are decided by the Cardano protocol.

    *The above video references an opinion and is for news/information and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to be investment advice, financial advice, or any solicitation, recommendation, endorsement, or offer that you buy or sell any cryptocurrency or securities. Trading in cryptocurrencies and securities is a high risk activity involving risk of loss so please seek a duly licensed professional for investment or financial advice. The information provided on this video should not be used to make any investment or financial decisions without consulting your financial or investment advisor. This video contains my opinion only and is not intended to cause harm or defame anyone or any entity.

    Crypto Capital Venture is big on tracking bitcoin market in particular. The general premise of technical analysis videos on Crypto Capital Venture is that although Bitcoin price price moves very in a very volatile way, there is much opportunity in being prepared for upside and downside. We also cover Bitcoin news on this channel as it comes out.

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    1. Cardano is PLANNING scalability solutions by building them into its design so they can easily and efficiently upgrade when it’s required to onboard more users reliably. We will see the benefits of this just when it’s most important.

    2. Slow and steady wins the race, perfect example is luna. look at that now. I invest in Cardano because I see this as most well developed, carefully developed blockchain. I’m willing to wait for excellence

    3. Hahahaha anyone that looked at Solana from the get go should have known it was garbage. So much trash in the crypto space its so sad how many people get scammed by things that are so obvious when you could easily tell if you DYOR.

    4. Whoever wrote that garbage basically is heavily invested in solana – it’s obvious to anyone with even a passing interest in the crypto space. Ada is going from strength to strength long term – solana is only going down.

    5. Because Saylor and BC maxis are only after promoting hard money, the hardest money is and will always be BTC. Cardano will be great for other things but not the solution for hard money and this is as an investor and supporter of both. BTC is not crypto and Cardano is not BTC. Apples and Oranges.

    6. Anyone who’s more bullish on ADA over ETH or SOL is obviously way over invested into Cardano and HAS TO BE trying to pump his bags…I’m sorry bro but that’s the truth lol

    7. Cardano, no probs …..everything else. hacks etc bad news daily. Cardano gets hated on for no reason except for not filling peoples pockets asap. PATIENCE

    8. Thank you for being one of the big guys shining a light on cardano when many refuse to. You take a lot of flack for it but it will all work out in the end.

    9. Yo Dan im watching you for a long time now. I love your videos. I really love them. I love cardano as well and im happy i have a good amount of it myself. I know you are super bullish on cardano. Same as me. But im really cusrious on what other coins you are super bullish on like Chainlink or something. Or is it just cardano?

    10. Solana is still in its beta testing. Many people arent aware of that. As an investor you should know the devs are still testing. Mainnet not yet fully live

    11. So I heard the reason why solana struggles with ho often it’s network goes down is because of spam bots and the bots are successful because of how cheap the fees are. Cardano’s gas fees are also relatively cheap too so is this something that could be problematic for cardano too? If not what are cardano doing differently? Is it that solana is so centralised?

      Second question is I’m guessing solana has way more transactions to process and so it’s been tested more than cardano, is it unfair to compare the reliability of two blockchains when one has to deal with way more transactions? I can’t find any NfT platforms that are actually running on cardano (please let me know if you can find one that’s properly live) whereas in the here and now, solana offers these things to the point where they have a reputation for NFTs for example.
      So I think that’s the reason why people overlook cardano/ADA, because they’re not thinking about the vision, just the here and now.

    12. Totally agree with you Dan. It's really an insight into the whole crypto market, they want things done quickly and cheaply and to make a quick buck, no matter how the blockchain performs. It would benefit everyone in the industry and the way blockchains will impact the world if they take their time to get it right!

    13. Man…you need to call Solana out for what it is!! It's a cryptocurrency fleecing of its users making insiders rich. Be blunt, direct, and brutally honest. You r not doing anyone any favors by beating around the bush on Solana.

    14. Just say it….sell Solana ASAP before u lose all u have left and buy Cardano, which is the future of blockchain. There i said it for you. All those kids invested in Solana are gonna lose it all.

    15. Although you constantly say you’re not kicking another crypto. It still feels like you are; if you’re going to compare Sol & ADA at least do benefits of SOL & benefits of ADA and give a rub to Solana.

      Because although SOL is a definitely more unreliable at the moment, which Is extremely irritating; these issues can be fixed.

      When both techs are working at their peak it’s hard to argue against that Solana is a considerably stronger product.

      Possibly ADA will get there, but if Solana can keep TPS above 2,000 & scale whilst improving reliability & security, it’s a monster.

    16. Great video Dan, love your content.

      ADA by far is my favorite long term hold in crypto right now, hoping to see it even lower so I can buy more 💰

    17. Is there a working DeX that's live on ada yet?? One that's not in beta??
      Is there any stable coins on ada yet?
      I haven't been watching the development news lately.

    18. Very intersted on what you think might happen when POS/W rewards are depleted. I've read that is projected to happen to Bitcoin in 2025-ish. Etherium and Cardano after that. In order to incentivize a physical network to exist, rewards must continue be offered and would have to come in the form of transaction fees after that? I haven't seen any white papers and only a few thesis on the outcomes. Obviously nothing comes for free and node operators will cease to offer their equipment if the cost outweighs their payments. New coins kick this can down the road by paying in tokens. Like if I were working for VISA and they paid me in VISA bucks. As long as VISA has solid value, that might be OK. But the minute VISA doesn't maintain it's value, i want cash, or, I'm out. As soon as max supply hits for Cardano and etherium, I assume fees must go up? What is the cost of node operation in relation to marketcap? Are there winners in this category? Does Cardano do it better than Etherium? In other words, if Cardano had to pay for physical infrastructure through actual FIAT, what is its operating margin? You're the type of guy that can answer this!

    19. Okay but why would anyone pick ADA over AVAX or MATIC or NEAR. There's no TVL on ADA. It's only reliable because it's not up and running . Despite their countless hardforks

    20. Dan. You absolutely killed it again brother 👍. Awesome content and truths !!! ADA will destroy all other competitors in the future!!! Yes even " the almighty Bitcoin " 🤗😁😎😜❤️🤑

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