Asmongold Reacts to a World Record WoW player who lead a World of Warcraft guild to a dozen World First kills, the highest achievement in WoW, announces a “Blockchain guild” claiming it is not an NFT sell project

    Check out Methodsco

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    1. Crypto is like the emperors new clothes, nobody can really tell me what its doing as a product besides that it has "potential" and then thats it. I still don't know what it does for anyone besides con money so far, never seen any examples period and was hoping for one here.

    2. We need to accelerate NFT/ Blockchain-ization of everything. Everything needs to be on the blockchain. Youtube videos, video games, your dog, everything. This way it can all crash and burn faster, and we can all move on from this idiocy.

    3. "Trust me bro, this is not a scam." – Scott, a co-owner of a very """reputable""" organization, Method.

    4. It means you will "own" everything in game, the blockchain will be you, not your keys, not your blockchain account, even the company will not be able to access your blockchain items. Rather then the company owning the stuff you earned while playing the game, you will be the only one that can access it with your key phrase.

    5. That comment from the chatter was so wrong its not even funny "it shows that money is all that matters", then why did he not change the fucking name of the damn guild that had the controversy? Sco could be working a regular job and be making more money for the amount of work put in.

    6. Fucking stand still stop moving so much. It just adds to the shady feeling.

      Also: when ever someone says ”im super excited” in the exact same tone as the entire statement – they arent excited.

      Stop this ponzi shit.

    7. This whole meta crap just made Method a complete and massive meme. lol jesus dude this feels like a last chance cash grab before the guild disbands.

    8. Method after finally getting over their last scandal
      – oi wana see me tank our reputation again?
      Method2 (echo) already won the race to world first, guess thats one way to try to get some extra retirement money

    9. Wtf is he talking about?! First:
      – Math or Mathematical is just an horrible name for any esports org of any kind except for one that does real-life Math Olympiads.
      – Team Secret was formed way before any of this Crypto non-sense (back in 2015) and even today they have multiple other forms of revenue outside of any Crypto bullshit!… I mean, they are partners of Corsair, JingJi, Secret Lab, TUMI, Predator, Maxis, NVIDIA, Levante Brewing Company, Scrimlabs – all of them non-Crypto related – plus the merchandise and then finally they have 1 partner (FKN 1 out of 11) that is Uniswap that is Crypto-related!!
      Honestly this is the kind of shit that just feels as if he is omitting information deliberately in order to distort and misguide the public perception about his "product"!… and that is something i really hate in any kind of person

    10. NFT supporters keep talking about the "potential" of this technology, but they never manage to actually explain what tradeable blockchains can accomplish other than being speculative goods with no true value.

    11. His video didn't explain anything, he was just saying it has potential and others are doing it aswell. He also pretended there was any support under his announcement. Pretty sad to see him fall like that, he used to be an icon for WoW.

    12. is just funny how ppl cry fucking rivers of "I cant afford a house" but they put all their money on this kind of shits, they deserve to be scammed

    13. hardcore world first raiders are kind of weird
      they install all these mods and try to take the challenge away as much as they can and WoW(MMORPGs in general) are casual games, they're pretty easy and I find it weird how seriously they take it, if you wanna play a challenging game play high level CS-go, Starcraft, Warcraft 3 or games like that that have a really high skill ceiling, unless I'm wrong and these people don't really take it as seriously as I think they do.

    14. So how to make a "scam": talk about blockchain but dont actualy say anything, put meta in name, thank support even if there isnt absolutely any, talk about New tecnology but dont say what it is, and talk about other scams like they are good… Fucking insane that People still fall for it

    15. Oh we aren't Method, just pretending to be Method to better scam people. Don't worry guys, this isn't an NFT scam, just a pure crypto scam guys. So you get no picture or anything out of it. Just a pure old school scam. So help make me rich before this collapses guys.

    16. From having your guild break up from controversy, to making "amends" by using 3 months of "positive videos" and "positive" PR-speech into becoming a crypto scam.
      Method be tryin tho.

    17. Did anyone notice the drool stain on his shirt? I wonder if the drooling started before or after the crypto lobotomy.

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