Oil, gas and mining

Gas prices continue to break record highs

Ten states are now averaging more than $5 a gallon.




#WorldNewsTonight #Gas #GasPrices #Inflation


  1. Gunna keep going up. By the mid terms. It will be 8 to 10 dollars a gallon. It's not gunna come down til Biden drills for oil. He isn't going to do that. Because he's an azzhole

  2. Ho Ho… Democrat voters must give applause Biden . to set a new record to beat Trump prediction.. $9/gal.. it looks like Biden will make it $10/gal in California soon

  3. Thinking about going somewhere else why don't you think how you voted? Everybody crying at the pump think how you voted. If you voted Democrat then you voted for this. If you voted for Joe Biden if you voted for Gavin newsom you're getting everything that you asked for. And ABC why don't you put the blame where it's supposed to go blame that idiot that you guys praised for so long and are still praising to this very day. This is the Democrat agenda of trying to slam the electric vehicle down everybody's throat, whether you can afford it or not.

  4. The plan follows Gov. Gavin Newsom's executive order in 2020 that called for phasing out new cars with internal combustion engines within 15 years by requiring that all such vehicle sales produce zero emissions by 2035. ALL BY DESIGN…….WAKEUP

  5. To those who are stealing, robbing, or demanding government handouts… work! I'm 18 and worked my way up to Starbucks manager making $19.15 in N. Dakota, but some gets deducted because of Social Security which is unfair, and I'm hoping to one day take over Starbucks HQ and pay a minimum wage of $25 to all of the baristas because I was one too but it likely won't happen until I'm in my 50s. You don't see me breaking store windows in broad daylight to steal jewelry, assaulting and robbing the innocent, or demanding free money.

  6. hahaha so much for that build back better eh?….democrats getting exactly what they voted for and exactly what they deserve…its too bad they are dragging the rest of us down with their moral grand standing.

  7. Very interesting Russian has a war and the USA suffers from it. Most of the state here in the US have their own oil refinery so where is that gas go to and on top of that the gasoline station here in the US can set there own prices and the our let them. Things are going to get worst because the money you were able to saved if you did save any is going for gas and let's not talk about food prices and all the government talk about is who not doing there job, will I say none of them are do their jobs. If we get new people in office they first have to clean up the mess the last person did then work on there lies it just sad and circle of mistrust and mismanagement. It all just a hot mess with no end in site. (Killing, guns issues, inflation, high food prices, no baby food, the list is non-stop), we are DOOMED. An executive order need to be in place to stop the gas station from price gouging. You think homeless was a problem before now, if people can not work there bills go unpaid and eviction start happening faster.

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