Link to the report: Join Mike Maloney and Ronnie Stoeferle as they dive into the latest charts from the In Gold We Trust Report. In Part 1 of this series, you’ll see Mike single out a specific data point that shows the immense potential for gold prices to move higher. Part 2 coming soon. Thanks for sharing and clicking that ‘Like’ button. For those wondering why our videos don’t appear in their subscription feed immediately – we release our clips to our free weekly email readers first, then later we publish to YouTube. Sometimes it’s just hours, sometimes it’s a couple of days later. This is to encourage people to join our free newsletter – because one day, we may not have YouTube to rely on. Join our free newsletter list by going to and entering your email address in the ‘Get Market Alerts’ box at the bottom of the page. As always, thank you for your support. M.

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    1. The FED has lost it and the sad fact is it's pretty obvious we are headed for hyperinflation.i think stores better have tight security because when people can't afford to feed their families, things might get ugly

    2. Thank you for a great video – again! I realize this videocast concentrates on gold. Over the past year or so, I am seeing more and more financial experts relegating silver from money to simply an industrial metal with no longer any influence as money. As such, the gold-silver ratio is "interesting" but has no bearing on what silver may do in the future. I hear your videocasts and believe that silver will increase in the future, but will it still be considered money (or will it be "just" a valuable commercial / industrial metal)? What are your thoughts about silver's future as money?

    3. I have heard this CRAP so goddamned many times it makes me vomit: :NO, gold prices are NOT "set to explode" for the same reason they HAVEN'T THE LAST TWENTY TWO TIMES YOU AND OTHERS 'announced' it: the PPT will "sell" THIRTY THOUSAND GOLD CONTRACTS AT 01:15…LIKE THEY"VE DONE FOR THE PAST FIFTEEN YEARS. Talk about THAT when you put out this 'non-news' about "Gold Exploding!"

    4. Mike, thank you for all your help & knowledge. My question is how or where can someone leverage there metals? Similar to security lines of credit.

    5. Cryptos are dead. If they start to behave as the S&P…it is better to hold shares/stocks than cryptos… and if you behave like stocks, then btc is really everything but digital gold (or as good as gold..).

    6. I personally hope gold stays below 2000 USD the next 40-50 years so I can keep stacking cheap!! Who's with me?!

    7. 11 Straight Years Of " Gold Prices Are Set to Explode " And It Did Not Move An Inch .
      11 Straight Years Of " Stock Market Is About To Collapse " And Instead It Tripled ………………..And Let's Not Talk About Eos
      This Individual Should Be Forced To Refund All The People He Has Scammed

    8. I like the Motif's in "Once upon a time in the west"
      Gold price (based on the derivative not the physical) been manipulated for so long what makes you think they can't tell us all their BS price for the next 100 years?

    9. So why isn't Asia in this already? They have problems too. Investing in gold is ok to a point, but then it becomes a blunder.

    10. Gold is insurance and you should not wish it skyrockets because when it does life itself will be horrible! If it maintains purchasing power then it met its goal! Besides the price is set by the phony and fake paper market just like everything else!

    11. The traditional idea gold as a hedge against adversities for it's high melting point and can very easy be ID by all. Crypto share some of that uniqueness. Real estate process most features of gold with the only weakness that both need a place to put them. As far as inheritance they both equally transferable. Crypto isn't as transparent in this case in the face of laws. The feeling holding an nugget and a smartphone both gives a sense of security or the gap is getting closer. Please comment ! ✌

    12. Does anyone know of that guy who stands at a whiteboard and explains the Federal Reserve in conjunction with the shenanigans of the gov't and banks? Thin guy, long-sleeved buttoned shirt, lots of humor? I can't find his vids anywhere, and I'm pretty sure I got the original link here. Am I having a Mandela effect moment, or did YT delete him?

    13. Life as an adult is not a bed of Roses. they are up and down just like the crypto market and I'd say crypto investments is not a bad one

    14. Earning passively has proven to be the best and safest way to stay wealthy for me, I'd be wealthy than rich only Great kinds understand this simple but difficult concept

    15. Time in the market beats timing the market. Some people think they can treat investing as a get rich quick scheme, but it doesn't quite work like that. It's a long-term commitment.

    16. I work at a Gold mine .. the lowest income is 210K PA .. teenagers pull kind of money .. I believe the Government buys it … of course much more copper is produced .. for wiring

    17. We need a manipulation section in the book! Denying this does not exists shows your out of touch and your research is skewed based on the whole managed market situation!!!!

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