Oil, gas and mining

Americans frustrated by high gas prices l GMA

ABC News’ Alex Perez has the latest on the nation’s soaring gasoline prices.

#ABCNews #GasPrices #Biden #Inflation


  1. How you like the green new deal? Imagine how wonderful life will be when it is fully implemented. We see the green new deal at about 10% implementation so just think of the implications ( you will own nothing and be happy to be hungary) thank you big government for violating your oath and making Americans lives so wonderful.

  2. Democrats want high GAS PRICES in order to make people move towards the green deal. Less people using gas and use maybe electric cars? This has to be political to make people change their behavior of using gas. The goal is get people tired. The solution is VOTE RED for midterms and RED in 2024. You will see change but for now need to hang on after winning the midterms. Republicans are the STOP sign of spending from Biden which should decrease inflation. Republicans need to win to counter the effects of the Democrats decisions since they started in 2020. Republicans need to stop spending unless really needed that will benefit the American People.

  3. 200 shootings under this useless, finger pointing, rudderless, clueless administration. Make no mistake about this, we will impeach Joe Biden and other criminals from his inner circle !

  4. 100% Biden and the traitorous Democratic Party fault, key reasons Trump warned you about

    #1 shutdown of the xlpipeline
    #2 not allowing american oil companies to operate

    America has a 200 Year supply of oil under our soil!

    100% Democrats and Joe the traitor bidens fault!

  5. This is what happens when you allow the Democrats to rig a federal election and commit Treason! Because you hop on the Hate trump bandwagon because its popular!

  6. The last year President Trump was in office, I paid $1.68 for a gallon of gas, and I have the receipt to prove it!
    I hope these demoncrats are happy, inflation and high gas prices doesn't affect them, they are all over paid idiots!

  7. Democrats are intentionally destroying our country and intentionally trying to incite violence so they can declare martial law.
    FBI label parents as Domestic Terrorists.
    Administration trying to create a ministry of truth.
    Leftist Woke Violence is not reported by the Fake News Enemy of the people, and is ignored by the justice department.
    The Justice department warning of increased domestic terrorist threats, when the only terrorists threats are coming from the federal government itself and the Woke cult.

    Democrats are intentionally destroying our country to gain power.

    Democrats Hate America and Americans.

  8. The national average price of a gallon of gas has doubled since President Biden took office in Jan. 2021.

    Jan. 2021: $2.39 per gallon
    June 2022: $4.86 per gallon

  9. Shale drilling technologies have also led to expanded crude oil production in North America. Daily crude oil production increased from 5.35 million barrels per day in 2009 to 6.5 million barrels in 2012. Production in 2014 grew even more to 8.7 million barrels a day.16 In 2019, production rose to a record 12.3 million barrels per day, with a slight decrease in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Corporate greed is demanding prices rise. Period.
    Any idiot mumbling about Presidents when talking gas just sound like backwoods idiots. Move along kiddos no one cares about your fake ass fantasy land

  10. There are different ways God can respond back. One is to blatantly bow down to other gods and He will respond by making his/her life worse. This is the one sin that makes God angry. Do this for a week or longer.

    To prove that God is against sin, sit still and listen for God and He will push your sins in your mind. This is what we describe as guilty conscious (this is uncomfortable), but it is God pushing the sins in the mind. He will even push the sins that are not based on morality such as cussing on one’s own, getting drunk, bowing down to other gods, or dealing with the occult. Confess every sin that is pushed in the mind and the guilty conscious will go away.

    If one blatantly continues in sin for a month, bad events NOT associated with your sins will increase.

    After you confess all your sins and stop continuing in sin, you can think about a sin in your mind. Before you even act on that sin, God will immediately push that guilty conscious of that sin in your mind.

    Don’t let the sin enter your mind. This is so you do not act or speak out that sin.

    Thus, this narrows God down to the One who is against sin. Either He is a generic God that is against sin, God of the Jews, God of the koran, God of Love Jesus, or He is the I Am (the One who sent Jesus Christ).

    To prove God’s name, just make fun of the God of the koran and the God of Love Jesus for a week, while not sinning, and nothing will happen.

    Make fun of the Trinity Gods (three Gods in one, Jesus is God) for a week, while not sinning, and nothing will happen.

    So, God is a generic God that is against sin, God of the Jews, or the I Am (the One who sent Jesus Christ).

    If one makes fun of the Son of God Jesus for a week, while not sinning, this will result in their life getting worse. Bad events NOT associated with this sin will increase. Don’t do this.

    If one makes fun of the I Am for a week, while not sinning, this will result in their life getting worse. Bad events NOT associated with this sin will increase. Don’t do this.

    Believe God is the I Am, the monotheistic God of the bible for two weeks, and your life will NOT get worse.

    Therefore, this shows that a monotheistic God can respond back.

  11. President Biden, do something useful with yourself!! Just paid $4.89 a gallon today, highest in my lifetime in the State of Virginia. Democrats are finished come November, their fate is sealed. Their stupidity has finally boiled over for all to see.

  12. as an OTR driver my husband has been parked for 6 weeks now. we cannot fuel up, drive and break even. so why bother. if you cannot find "things" there is a reason.

  13. I foresaw this event eventually happening in the near future back when I immigrated here since 1988. Something told me back then to never ever buy a car even though I know that cars are a necessity vehicles in America but I still listened to my instincts who is screaming loud on the back of my head. So Instead of getting a car to get around back then?, I opted on riding public transportation and using a bicycle instead of walking to wherever I am going to save my energy and I got used to it quickly

    then Fast Forward 35 years later? BOOM!!! it happened! I thank myself for listening to my instinct and saved me a lot of money in the process. Everyone was laughing at me then that a fully grown man is using a bicycle to go around and I met those very same people again 30 years later and I was the one laughing hysterically at them and pointing to them! Guess who is the much smarter person and how do you like me now huh!?

  14. Leftist marxist atheists and media are the enemies of own country. Anti-nationals. Fifth columnists.

    Leftist marxist atheists support illegals over citizens. Insult tax paying real citizens. Disrespect elected leaders. Kill patriotism.

    Destroy individuals. Destroy families. Destroy trust, innocence. Destroy friendship, goodness, holiness, modesty, puriry, honesty.

    Support infanticide in wombs.

    Made beasts out of individuals reducing to below animal status. Made mockery of individual value. Made mockery of marriage. Made to distrust people. Make controversies out of nothing.

    Leftist marxist atheism curriculum taught in schools and universities that life is meaningless, purposeless.

    Atheism raised rebellious, depressed people, fatherless children depriving love and affection they deserve. Atheism brought lack of love, insecurity, stress, trauma, abuse, loneliness, lack of kindness, burning businesses, looting, attacking Police.

    In face of superior argument, the inferior argument becomes violent.

    Donald Trump vs low cognitive Joe Biden coverage palpable of bias. Dangerous selective reporting. Create controversies for no reason.

    How good it will be if controversies not manufactured in first place.

    Leftist marxist atheists are gutless to condemn Islam terrorists.
    But overt Christophobes. Attack Christians knowing their non-retaliatory stand. Imagine the majority community rebel.

    Atheists destroy the good work great institutions do or doing. But have no alternative or willingness or motivation or intention or reference to help or do themselves. Good at destruction, not construction.

    Living in prosperous cozy Christian foundational non-retaliatory countries and becoming celebrities.

    Atheists if you have spine go live and criticize Islam, and other religions in their countries and become even more popular.

    Atheists please show your credentials by moving to and transforming undeveloped country in to a prosperous country. Open borders. Illegals, Muslims, Islamic supremacist welcome. Zero rallies/protests against Muslims or zero legal actions if they are against LGBT or refuse to bake gay wedding cakes or refuse to sell pork. Zero investigations on Islamic institutional child abuse. Zero criticism of Muslim hypocrisy. Laissez-faire. Burning and looting businesses are peaceful protests, not crime. Christophia is constitutional right. Defund police to non-existence. Global cooling. Create utopia. Without copying Jesus Christ principles of equality, human value, human dignity. Then rest of world will have bragging rights to praise you and undying respect for atheism.

    Atheism already destroyed Soviet Union, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela etc. Atheism is proven failed ideology. Want to destroy every country.

    Have no morals as reference point, should have no right to make decisions affecting majority.

    Praise celebrities shamelessly cover their dirty deeds and critize every other.

    Discuss a problem with 'expert panel', blame vehemently all others, but ignore the root cause ie evil pre-existing in everyone.

    Have the conclusion written first to blame a target group, and then find favorable witnesses to pretend justifications.

    Atheism never produced a line that is comforting on a death bed.

    That's why I left atheism.

    Reject marxist atheism.

    And remember old times, original godly roots and foundations, there is profit in it. Each individual is fallen, broken to core already and needs healing, purpose, meaning, acceptance, forgiveness, hope, eternity which are available for free.

  15. People are just stealing gas from parked cars. They're getting a five-finger discount. Some people are getting this electronic siphoning pump that can siphon about 5 gallons a min. Just siphoning into their tank. Just pull up to someone parked car and fill it up don't bother to check the oil.

  16. Dude, other countries have been impacted too. Not just US. However, Why Venezuela Gasoline prices only 10 cents per litter as 06-Jun-2022 (38 cents/Gal)? Who’s making big profit? 👀

  17. "Since I took office, families are carrying less debt; their average savings are up. A recent survey from the Federal Reserve found that more Americans feel financially comfortable than at any time since the survey began in 2013." Joe Biden – June 03, 2022 Rehoboth Beach, Delaware 10:48 a.m. ET

  18. Makes me laugh how the Republicans complain about how it has to be Democrats fault for high gas prices, like the answer is Republicans…. They couldn’t legislate their way out of a wet paper bag!

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