Guys, it really looks like a huge financial crash is coming. In this video, I’m going to be explaining exactly why I personally think a GIANT stock/crypto/real estate crash is in the near future.

    On Friday, the US markets plunged deep in the red. The DJIA was was 880, the S&P 500 was down 117, and the Nasdaq was down 414. This deep dive into the red was caused by Friday’s CPI (Consumer Price Index) report showing that May’s inflation came in at a hot 8.6%. The highest inflation rate we’ve seen for 41 years.

    Michael Burry left us with a very ominous tweet regarding the high inflation. He notes how the MBS (Mortgage-Backed Securities) had no-bids (no buyers) on Friday. The MBS market was completely stale. In the past 40 years, there have only been 4 others times when there were no bids in the MBS market, most notably in 2008 prior to the giant real estate crash.

    We talk about how the crypto markets are crashing. Bitcoin is down over 10% to around 27,000, and Ethereum is down over 20% to 1400. Will we see more red from the crypto market? Are investors pulling their money out of crypto?

    We also go over Ryan Cohen’s tweet “China is a sleeping giant. Let her sleep, for when she wakes she will move the world.” I personally believe Ryan, the chairman of GameStop GME, is referring to the looming collapse of the China real estate market. With the Evergrande Group losing its Fitch rating, it seems that the Chinese Real Estate market is all but collapsed, and when it does fall, it will reverberate throughout global markets, just like the 1987 Black Monday stock market crash.

    And finally, we go over how Melvin Capital is returning its funds’ capital to investors, and how this will most likely lead to further red markets.

    Will we see another Black Monday stock market crash in the near future? And how will GameStop GME fair?

    Thanks for watching everybody! Please consider subscribing and liking this video.

    #GameStopGME #StockMarketCrash #CryptoCrash


    1. As you can see we are already in June and I feel those who would allow the market dynamism to determine when to trade or not are either new in space in general or probably just naïve, the sphere have seen far worse times than this, enlightened traders continue to make good use of the dip and pump even acquiring more equities towards trading sessions, I'd say that more emphasis should be put into trading since it is way profitable than hodling. Tradlng went smooth for me as I was able to raise over 9.2 BTC when I started at 2 BTC in just few weeks implementing trades with signals and insights from would advise y'all to trade your asset rather than hodl for a future you aren't sure about, You can reach Sean on ͲeIєɠɾαm👉Whsean….

    2. Last week, Warren Buffett talked in BBC news about how investors and traders can make millions through CRYPTO. He also recommended an expert Mr jesse Powell.Wondering if any viewers here are familiar with his services.

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