As gas prices stand at a record high of nearly $5 per gallon, Americans are getting creative with how they pinch pennies. NBC’s Sam Brock reports for TODAY with recommendations from experts on how to combat the high prices and save money on other consumer goods.


    1. I wish the anchor would ask, "Who did you vote for in the last election". "Biden" – Cue the Price Is Right fail horn

    2. That’s right. Carpooling. Do all errands in one day, for the week . Ask your parents if they need something. Discourage your teens to drive by telling them they have to pay💰 . Encourage safe bicycling.

    3. i just bought my second electric car today, trade in you gas/guzzler/polluter for a USED electric car look for a good deal they are out there……….

    4. Best thing I can recommend is to have a set amount to put in the tank and not fill up if you don’t travel far, you will be more likely to travel to a lot of places with a full tank.

    5. 11th June in Melbourne Australia, we have been paying over $2 per litre for gas. That's 4.54 litres per gallon, so today's price equates to $7.03 US dollars per gallon.

    6. We only received 3% of our oil from Russia it should not be impacting the price this much Plus us Intel had to know the war with Russia and Ukraine was coming yet did nothing to prepare to help its own people instead taking advantage of them making them double pay per gallon

    7. I would think that motorcycle sales would be booming because they can get more miles per gallon than cars; and trucks.

    8. all intentional, DEMOCRATS said they wanted YOU off oil, coal and natural gas. THIS IS THE RESULT! remember who did this to you during midterm elections

    9. I bet the Biden administration doesn't use Google fuel efficient routes and these penny pinching methods to save fuel when out and about. This is nuts…

    10. We shouldn’t have to cope. We should have lower prices, but our government is blaming Russia when NATO started the war in Ukraine.

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