
How to Know When to Buy Bitcoin

Swan Bitcoin (Get $10 of BTC)

There is carnage everywhere we look! Crypto is collapsing, we are seeing exchanges start to lay people off, as well as Celsius has frozen withdrawals.

Celsius got wrapped up in the Luna/Terra debacle.

Now we’re seeing chaos everywhere we look, with Ponzi schemes, scams, and a collapse in prices of other assets.

The big question is, “if we’re looking at Bitcoin is now a good time to buy?”
Or if not, when is a good time to buy? How can we know when we know we’re at or near a bottom, and start to buy the dip intelligently. Instead of buying all the way down, and losing more money.

In this video, I will answer how to know exactly when to buy Bitcoin.

0:00 Video Overview
0:55 Intro
0:58 Buy When There’s Blood In The Streets
1:28 Bitcoin vs Altcoins
2:15 Big Transfer of Wealth
3:18 How Do We Know When The Bottom Is In?
8:03 The Most Succesful Trading Strategy for S&P500
9:21 People Might Use The Same Strategy On Bitcoin
10:05 Where I Buy Bitcoin
10:40 Dollar Cost Average In at This Price
11:20 Outro

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#Bitcoin #BuyTheDip #TechnicalAnalysis


  1. The wise stay financial stable by spending less and investing more and the unwise remains poor by spending more and yet not investing like the wise ones do and So happy to announce that I have gained financial freedom by investing in digital currency.

  2. TBH the only good Crpyto to use is Monero and Wownero, BTC is good for getting past international regulations atm but that will eventually change.

  3. Although< I have interests in global economics I don't watch the news anymore… I have enough FUD. Thanks for this news and offering your insight on how to navigate during unfortunate times/events like this. You're right about keeping level headed when investing so that's why I think it's important to limit the amount of FUD we consume. I don't watch the media but the news that you present has enough to know issues going on without riding the emotional rollercoaster if I were to watch the news everyday. Now I buy and just trade long term more than ever, I have made over 17` btc from day trading with Joe Schmitt Signal in few weeks, this is one of the best medium to backup your assets incase it goes bearish…. For crypto related issues Joe Schmitt can be reached on ͲeIєɠɾαm👉Schmittsignal.

  4. Bitcoin has shown it’s true colors. Unlike stocks where the company you invest in has real world application. Bitcoin has no real value just a cult like following of speculators. Real value comes from real companies making real stuff. Gambling is not the same as investing.

  5. The past BTC bear markets are not analogous. The Fed is going to have to raise rates to a neutral, if not contractionary, level to cool inflation. The past BTC bear markets occurred when rates were near zero, thus much of BTC’s performance is due to extraordinary accommodative monetary policy. But as long as inflation persists, the Fed will likely continue to rate hikes, and speculative assets like BTC will sell off. Plus, I suspect the business model of many crypto banks, exchanges, etc. cannot survive such a dramatic price decline. Thus, there will likely be spectacular bankruptcies, which will cause public outrage, which will catalyze a regulatory response. And this all will be very bad for crypto, which has been branded as a get-rich-quick scheme and as invulnerable to regulation. Speculative assets are memetic, that is, their valuation is predicated not on fundamentals or utility but narrative; and when the narrative collapses, so does the price.

  6. never, bitcoin is flawed, why is a forced deflationary currency a good thing? its not, its just as bad as a hyper inflating currency.
    Wars will also split up the internet network, bitcoin can only work on one singular network, it cannot work on other planets or transferred to separate internet networks, miners need to confirm blocks and transactions in real time.
    solar flares.
    power loss.
    Cold Storage containers being destroyed or decayed.
    I'll trust Gold in my hand over some little usb that requires: computers, singular internet network, and reclaiming it before the usb breaks.

    The volatility aside, bitcoin has way to much counter-party risk to be fundamentally stable enough to live through anything yet. Its a baby, 12 years vs 8000 years. it has not survived a single change in world order yet…

  7. Swan Bitcoin is extremely sketchy. They are know to pay influencers to FUD rivals, make up lies about rivals and open shorts to liquidate rivals tokens. Would not trust any company with such dishonest practices.

  8. Do it right as rolling and if not permanent blackouts hit, you know put your faith in a severely outdated grid by draining more of it in order to spend digital "currency", ya know the type .gov is about to enslave us with. .gov would never ban things like, I don't know working or use of a specific means of trade.

  9. Great work as always! Buying the capitulation isn't a tough call, but it is a very tough call to figure out what to do aside holding. You know most people think that investing in crypto is all about holding till it rises, come on, it takes time and is a gamble on the long run, this recent dip should be a lesson to people who hold blindly. Working with Alex Gomez he made me believe that when you hold, you stand the chance of losing it all to unexpected dips. So rather than simply holding, I trade crypto under his expertise. I made 11.5 BTC from the recent crash in the market, implementing his daily trading signals and tips… My advise is to get proper guidlines into day trading than hodLing for what is not guaranteed anymore, this is one of the best medium to backup your assets incase it goes bearish..

  10. "How do you know when to buy Bitcoin? Check out my sponsor, a place to buy Bitcoin!"

    I remember why I started watching less of your channel 🙁

    Buying on the way down is trying to trade against the market. In speculative assets, this can burn you.

  11. Who created bitcoin? No clue
    What are the physical properties of bitcoin? There is none
    If bitcoin falls to zero, does it have any real world uses such as paper fiat being used as toilet paper? Nope
    Why would anyone in their right mind buy bitcoin? You may as well buy gems in clash of clans!

  12. I <,appreciate your consistency and your love of the community. Content like this and a community of positive, long-term investors/traders like you are key to staying solvent in markets like this! This is definitely another opportunity for wealth. One of the best YouTube channels out there, always balanced and informative. When Bitcoin hit it's 2019 low of $3.5k it then went on to triple in price over the next 6 months to $10-11k, where it remained until the next run up late 2020. Once Bitcoin hits it's bottom, I don't think it'll be long before we see $40-50k again. I'm in my early 40s and i have been investing in CRYPTOs and trading as well. I can make up for lost time, but I intend to stay in the market for 10 years and put as much as I can now. I know that nobody can time the bottom in fact I'm prepared it'll drop further and be looking at red on a regular basis. BTC was born in the midst of the 2008 financial crisis which was everything but an ideal market condition (hence the famous message in the genesis block). That being said I do agree that we are in for a lot of pain when it comes to almost every market but though Bitcoin could make history this week by closing below the 200-week moving average, a rare occurrence. This is a scary time for new and old investors but the best thing you can do is not to make commitment based on passion. I realized that the secret to making a million is making better investment. I always tell myself you don't need that new car or that vacation in Paris just yet and that mindset helps me make more money investing. For example last year I invested 90k in crypto (with the help of my advisor of course) and made about 430k, but guess what? I put it back and traded with her again and now I'm rounding up close to a million even with the ups and downs in the crypto market. learn how to HODL and TRADE. Refusing to invest because there is risky is itself risky. You can reach out to my my advisor Mrs. Robin Moore on ͲeIєɠɾαm @moorerobin or What'sapp +12132627458 for mentorship and more information on how to trade and earn with her accurate trade signal ..

  13. BTC Is going nowhere for 2022. Probably not 2023 either. The problem is, too few buyers. Assets go up on big buys and big news. BTC presently has neither. <And, with the recession, that will not change as long as BTC is uncorrelated. So, ask yourself, what will it take for BTC to disconnect from the broader market.

  14. Talking about trading, crypto market has brought me great success!!! Irrespective of the economic downturn I can boast of over $60,000 dollars every month on my investment. Thank you Karen Brian for your focus on quality stocks. blessings🙌

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