Oil, gas and mining

EU signs deal with Israel, Egypt to boost gas supply amid Ukraine war

EU, 이집트·이스라엘과 천연가스 공급협약 체결

The EU, Israel and Egypt agreed to increase natural gas exports to EU countries, as part of efforts to cut supplies from Russia.
Under an MOU signed on Wednesday, at the East Mediterranean Gas Forum in Cairo, European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen called it an “historic agreement.”
She said the deal was part of Europe’s efforts to diversify energy sources and import hydrocarbons from “other trustworthy suppliers.”
The Israeli Energy Ministry believes the agreement will allow “significant” exports of Israeli gas to Europe for the first time.
It’s currently unclear how much gas the EU will import from the two countries.

#EU #gas_supply #Ukraine_war

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2022-06-15, 22:00 (KST)


  1. LP reacted d ryt way, she is gisellee.monster need of over drama, or over consider ations. She don't deserve *considerationsq. Lp പറഞ്ഞ പോലെ,, ജീവിതം തുടങ്ങിയല്ലേ ഉള്ളു, പഠിക്കട്ടെ.

  2. This could be a prophesy fullfilment of the Bible. This may be a start of war on israel vs russia becoz israel is a high source of gas and a threat to russia business. Russia will attack israel and war will start between israel and russia with its allies. Because before Jesus will come back to bring His children to the place God has prepared, israel will be under attack and is almost destroyed and then Jesus will come and save them and this time they will call Jesus as their messiah. Because presently, majority of the jews doesn't believe in Jesus Christ thinking that their messiah has not yet come becoz they didnt understand why their messiah must be placed on the cross, they are looking for a king to save them. That is why up to the present majority of jews doesn't believe that Jesus is the Messiah. They will only acknowledge Jesus as the messiah on His second coming to save israel where israel is almost entirely destroyed by its enemies under the anti-Christ leadership(which could possibly be putin). Eventhough presently israel has a very strong military power(where they put their trust), it wil be almost entirely be destroyed by its enemies and the anti-Christ then Jesus will come to save them. Come Lord Jesus, come. Hallelujah. Praise the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Come to Jesus now before its too late. Believe and receive Him as your Lord God, Saviour, Messiah and find forgiveness of sins. Repent then and come follow Jesus and become a child of God and be an instrument for righteousness and receive the gift of eternal life. Choose wisely. Choose Jesus.

  3. Stolen gas from Palestine and Lebanon. The fascist criminal terrorist western democracies are helping apartheid israel steal Palestinian gas.

    Israel occupation is 1000x worse than Russias invasion in Ukraine. Not to mention that criminal sisi who came on top of tanks and smashed the election box.


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