
Crypto Market Update: BTC and Altcoin Technical Analysis

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  1. Most people don't understand the concept of " buying the dip " <buying the dip is all about buying digital assets when their prices are down and selling off when the price rises just as the current market is down . Holding is profitable , although trading is far more profitable .I was able to grasp the knowledge of trading crypto assets early enough, but i was still limited due to my lack of technical understanding of how to analyse the digital market , all that changed when i encountered Whalen Sean services., although i have been into numerous services but Whalen Sean stands out with experience and expertise playing in his favor .I must confess it wasn't an easy task in learning the routes on trading but with the assistance of Sean, it was more easier to understand. It’s very important to educate yourself before you dive in. You can reach Sean on ͲeIєɠɾαm👉Whsean ..

  2. Your< explanation is realistic and straight to the point. On the other hand there are many ways of manipulating the market. I am glad as a small investor that I am putting my hard earned savings into the most better said the only transparent market there is day trading. I’ve made over 7BTC working with Chad Leon lately

  3. Thanks for all you're doing Forrest. Really insightful. Thanks my man! Would be nice if you talked a bit more about nano in your next video. Short medium and long term. Macro view. Your honest take on it as of today, all things considered. Thanks a lot in advance! CSP lifetime client.

  4. Great stream, as always. I appreciate the level-headed approach you take to the news and the markets. A lot has changed and that's on everything but the truth is I don't even care much about bullish or bearish market anymore because Thomas Jack got me cover as I am comfortably making 3.1B T C monthly..

  5. What is your opinion on Kadena, ive been doing some research into it and it seems extremely solid and would like some of your insight!

  6. I have learned in recent months is to remain calm, especially when it comes to investments in cryptocurrencies. Learn not to sell in a panic when everything goes down and not to buy in euphoria when everything goes up. I advise y'all to forget predictions and start making a good profit now because future valuations are all speculations and guesses. The market is very unstable and you can not tell if it's going bearish or bullish. While myself and others are trad! N without fear of making a loss others are being patient for the price to skyrocket, I would say trading has been going smoothly for me, I started with 2.5 BTC and i have accumulated over 7.6 BTC in just three weeks, with the trading strategy given to me by expert trader Steve Bolton.

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