I personally use Gemini and have so for many years.
    Crypto Exchange Gemini:



    1. Fantastic advice! Thank you brother! One question though, it has been delayed ALOT, when talking about eth 2.0. What effect, if any will that have if it's delayed again? Sorry if this is an obvious question. (still learning)

    2. Is Coinbase safe to use for trading crypto? Heard rumors of them going bankrupt but then heard they are not. But I have all my crypto in Coinbase. Not much but I’m slowly buying as it keeps dropping.

    3. Hey Leo, what do you think the chances are that MOASS will happen before ETH runs? My hopeful master plan is to allocate a certain percentage of my MOASS earnings into ETH, and in a perfect world, MOASS would happen before ETH does its thing. What are your thoughts on the timing?

    4. I bought etherum when it was 600 bucks!I joined the waiting list for etherum 2.0 in January of 2021,It took 4 months before I could send my etherum to etherum 2.0 I have 3 etherum 2.0 coins,Had them for over a year now!

    5. At least wait till the crypto market finishes crashing, hedge funds are still using it as a rug pull/piggy bank. Maybe not you Leo, but many Youtubers who are now seeing losses due to this hedge fund manipulation sing the praises of their personal fav coin to the sheep in hopes that they can rally the masses so they can exit their positions now with minimal losses.

    6. This hands down is the best channel. Straight to the point and click baits. One of the few guy on YouTube that actually has qualifications to give his advice. Not a gas station manager turned into a YouTuber

    7. the problem is you can't have a decentralized currency when it's only available on a centralized broker or exchange. we are literally experiencing the failure of this system

    8. Great stream, as always. I appreciate the level-headed approach you take to the news and the markets. A lot has changed and that's on everything but the truth is I don't even care much about bullish or bearish market anymore because Michael Christensen got me cover as I am comfortably making 3.1B T C monthly.

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