For years, the crypto industry has argued against regulation. Now turbulence in the market is exposing just how unprotected crypto investors are. WSJ financial-regulation reporter Andrew Ackerman joins host Zoe Thomas to discuss what the upheaval means for crypto holders and whether it will spur regulators to action.

    Photo: Andre M. Chang/Zuma Press

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    1. In spite of the economic downturn, one still need to Set goals and take bold steps in achieving them. Remember success is not obtained overnight. You just have to stop procrastinating and try what you have always wanted, to improve your life and wellbeing, I believe Investing will take us closer to that dream..

    2. Many thinks Crypto investment is only profitable when the market price is going up but from my knowledge and experience I can boldly say to you that investing in crypto is profitable both in bulls and in bears all you need is the right information.

    3. They wanted this to be unprotected though.

      They wanted the inherent qualities of the thing (blockchain currency i.e. bitcoin) to be all the protection it had. Reliable, recorded, incorruptible, unregulated.

      It is what it is. 🤷‍♂️

    4. Most people don't understand the concept of " buying the dip " <buying the dip is all about buying digital assets when their prices are down and selling off when the price rises just as the current market is down . Holding is profitable , although trading is far more profitable .I was able to grasp the knowledge of trading crypto assets early enough, but i was still limited due to my lack of technical understanding of how to analyse the digital market , all that changed when i encountered Whalen Sean services., although i have been into numerous services but Whalen Sean stands out with experience and expertise playing in his favor .I must confess it wasn't an easy task in learning the routes on trading but with the assistance of Sean, it was more easier to understand. It’s very important to educate yourself before you dive in. You can reach Sean on ͲeIєɠɾαm👉Whsean

    5. Itseems like the advantage and the biggest risk of Cryptos investment is decentralisation and non regulation. If there are no rules and no regulatory authority, then return of capital on investments will always be doubtful.

    6. Cryptos are still unregulated because boomers (who also controls the government) haven't lost money from it yet, only dumb millennials and zoomers.

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