In this tutorial, we will deploy and start up a crypto trading platform from scratch using OpenDAX on Digital Ocean.
    OpenDAX is an open-source cloud-native multi-service platform for building a Blockchain/FinTech exchange of digital assets, cryptocurrency and security tokens.

    Check out the sources on our github, also the same tutorial is available in the written form on our medium.

    [My LinkedIn]:


    1. Tower … "Your build has expired!" … I registed and got license key from openware. Edited config/frontend/env.js file and still… Your build has expired!

    2. Très bon projet open source et il est vrai que la base se déploie en 15 minutes. Mais à savoir que pour monter une plateforme d échange fonctionnelle il y a beaucoup de paramètres à affiner. Je tente l aventure avec un projet sérieux j espère pouvoir trouver plus d information sur votre projet. Toute mes félicitations à votre équipe pour l énorme travail accompli pour aboutir à Opendax

    3. thanks for the great tutorial, however, I haven't managed to sort it with ssh key so I've used root pass but my main problem is this: root@debian-s-4vcpu-8gb-lon1-01:/home/app/opendax# ls

      bin docs lib Rakefile templates VERSION

      compose data Gemfile LICENSE terraform

      config Dockerfile Gemfile.lock opendax spec vendor

      root@debian-s-4vcpu-8gb-lon1-01:/home/app/opendax# bundle install

      -bash: bundle: command not found


      bundle is not there and couldn't find any way to install it. I've also tried to use the scriptic version of this tutorial, same problem. THANK YOU!

    4. if you make a tutorial and a script make it properly. stop wasting people time. what's this: sudo -u app bash <a<EOS ?? why you skip steps and don't show people how to install properly? I had enough with you

    5. Can i make a landing page + the trading dashboard linked together just after the user has created his account get moved directly to the trading charts. And i wanna be able to have an admin panel so i can have control over the clients profiles and stuff (i should be able to manage everything)

    6. From my opinion this is a video that is very much confusing and difficult to follow. I really do not understand where these 86 thumbs up come from. May be I am not only a noobie but also a moron. I need an exchange but definitely this video has told me to run away from OpenDAX. I doubt that many experienced developers can follow along and even be able to maintain this exchange when in production, let alone implement security. Good Bye!

    7. Can you use WordPress front end, and then this in the background? Also, do you hold custody or another wallet service? I didn’t see that in the video, and I don’t want to be held responsible for people’s crypto. That’s wayyyy too much liability.

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