The biggest single pipeline carrying Russian gas to Germany starts annual maintenance today, with European leaders worried the shutdown might be extended past 10 days due to the war in Ukraine.


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    1. You want we to overthrow our government? Overthrow yours! У вас же демократия, решайте свои проблемы без проблем.

    2. Russia is going to win and we will pay 4 times the gas price before the war. Say thank you to your politicians.

    3. Tell the owners not to use green colour markings on the pipelines as people in some countries get confused that they will be paid by some sponsors grey cash. And they chase us and our families while we have got no clue about this.

    4. Ukraine is complaining about Nord stream while allowing Russian gas to pass it's territory despite Russian invasion 😂😂. This is another level 😂👍


      The Russian government has always been the enemy of its own people.
      Tsars committed horrible and horrendous crimes against their subjects, communists did the same to Russians. Now the oligarchy under Putin is also abusing power and ripping off Russians and making Russians' lives a living hell.
      it will continue to do so because the people in the power are never punished for their crimes against people. most Russians do not know that Putin has accumulated over $200,000,000,000 in foreign banks.
      if Russians have Vladimir Putin arrested and tried in court, it will send a stark message to all government officials and they will stop ripping off their own people.

      (it has always killed its own citizens to help tyrants stay in power)
      No Russian soldier ever laid down his or her life for the cause of humanity or democracy.
      No Russian soldier ever died defending the poor, the weak and the defenceless.
      No Russian soldier ever died to liberate oppressed people in any part of the world.
      No Russian soldier ever stood up for justice and equality for all.
      No Russian soldier ever sacrificed his or her life for the freedom of his or her country or any other country for that matter.
      I seriously doubt if Russian soldiers even know or understand the concept of Individual freedom and the rights of man.

      " Russian army has always been the tool of oppression used by dictators and tyrants.
      instead of defying dictators, it has killed those who aspire for freedom and democracy".

    7. The Russians have had a joke for a long time. Two representatives of the Western world sit and have a dialogue:

      The first one says, "Let's destroy the Russians! Let's wipe them to dust! Send them back to the Stone Age!

      The second – And if they are us?

      The first – And us for what?🤣

    8. 🤔👉Why Russia should keep supplying His enemies with more gas, if NATO already consider Russia as his the worse threat and NATO is literally trying to destroy Russia through Illegal unilateral SANCTIONS 🖕🖕🖕THEN RUSSIA SHOULD DO THE SAME TRY TO DESTROY NATO as Soon as POSSIBLE THATS THE CORECT WAY IN A WAR

    9. Eu's mission was to collapse Russian economy why would Putin be lenient in his counter sanctions, Putin can easily make EU bankrupt

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