Businesses that staked their value on digital tokens and the future of Web3 technology are struggling with the downturn in crypto. WSJ startups and venture-capital reporter Berber Jin joins host Zoe Thomas to discuss how investors are re-evaluating their faith in startups that promised to be the future of the internet.

    Photo: jam sta rosa/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

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    1. After losing so much to stock market, One best investment decision I ever made afterwards was investing in financial markets. Which has earned me $34,970 profit every 14days lately. Trust me guys it pays a lot..

    2. warren buffet, goldman sachs, etc. say btc is worth ZERO, and china and russia agree, thank tards for giving us your money, we just down load it now, like raining $$ everywhere, keep ordering tesla, amazon, btc, apple, google, etc. with the features, now only 6k dollars for FSD, we are generous, so we can see you better, and improve our service, then our AI will be ready to do your own job for you, no humans needed, AI will take over, and humans can plan universe missions, a perfect world (unicorns and IQ of min. 210 are the only humans needed, and of course you are reading this because you fit in with the "new liberal world order", enjoy your weekend ordering online, no dealers, agents and other scum needed, thank god

    3. Yet Vechain which is corporate and partnered with some of the biggest conpanies and backed by government's still gets no recognition. Buy utility instead of sh–coins

    4. It would be useful to see a comparison of the crypto market crash and the financial market crash. There isn't much happiness nor many rosy outcomes in that market either. Why stop there though? It's not like other markets or investment types were or are being spared. It would be more accurate to say that VCs and investors across all areas have seen the values of their assets crash. 😊 (is there an emoji for I'm laughing because I don't want to cry?) 😊

    5. Just terrible games going to $0. Web 3 is just getting started, we’ll see bigger players and better games in the future.

    6. smh. When will people realise that all these web3 crypto NFT metaverse buzz words are just trash hype. Any reasonable person could see that there was no future in web 3 startups, because they were providing no new real value. Hope people learn from this.

    7. the stock and crypto market is filled with people who know the price of everything. Maribel Larios, always emphasized that just becauses stock is down 50% doesn't mean it can't go down another 50%. Just like Polaroid back in the day which was a darling at 100.00$ and it went to 2.00$ in 2 years.

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