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The Dollar’s Days Are Numbered – A New Reserve Currency Is Coming

The Reserve Bank of India is challenging the US Dollar and SWIFT with their Rupee Settlement System. This mechanism allows international trade to be done in Rupees and this means countries now have a reason and a plan to escape from the dollar’s grasp. While this move will help foreign countries diversify their currency risks, this is bad news for the American economy. Here’s what you must know!

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✅ Timestamps & Chapters:
0:00 The Dollar Is Under Attack
2:25 India’s Rupee Settlement Plan
4:41 The Blueprint For New Reserve Currencies
6:11 Rise Of The BRICS Currencies
8:18 What Happens If The Dollar’s Dethroned?
10:52 Prepare For The New World Order

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  1. The dollar will decline quicker than you think, the next step is two trading blocks those who use the dollar and those who use their own currency. Some will use a mix but many countries are not no longer putting all their reliance with the dollar as they no longer trust the US.

  2. Using crypto as the bridge currency, eg XRP, will largely overcome the obstacles you mention and negate the requirement for each country to have multiple currencies in reserve.

  3. Thanks for this video. Using the US $ to trade, both the importer & the exporter face exchange risks. The importer buys the dollar & has an exchange risk. The export receives the dollar has an exchange risk converting to dollar into their currency. Trading using local currency also has exchange risks but perhaps lower risks, depending on the exchange rates of the importer’s local currency against the local currency of the exporter. As the US $ is not used as much for trading it will lose value. The US $’a hegemony will decline. There is a project named “Sandman Project” where more than 100 countries agreed to use their local currencies for international trade amongst themselves. Once this project is implemented, the US $ hegemony will end. The US $ will decline quickly in value. The US treasury bonds held by many nations (like Japan & China) will lose value. These countries will sell off their bond holdings. The US economy will decline quickly because no one will invest in US treasury bonds to support the US economy.

  4. Excellent explanation, and more motivation to continue to prepare ourselves physically and financially for the difficult days ahead. Physical stores, physical health, and maintenance of your stored wealth in real durable assets, especially real or natural money (i.e. Gold & Silver) will be the key to coming out whole on the other side.

  5. I would say, and BRICS allows this, that member countries are free to use their own currencies if it suits them of course. However there will be a reserve currency too that members will be able to use if they do not have reciprocal imports/exports of the other country.

    BRICS is not burdensome in this regard, and their loans compared to the World Bank are much less burdensome to it's members. The idea is to lift all the emerging market economies and each member has the same vote irrespective of size or monetary input.

  6. Biden presidentcy will be historic! This was the last shove the snow ball needed to start rolling down hill and pick up speed and grow in size. RIP U.S. Dollar. BOOM! The Democrat party is going to face the music and the E.S.G. plan and other Social Justice B.S. will be on the chopping block

  7. Hmmmmm; my impression is as follows; confirm or deny according to your available information.

    Iraq saved the Euro, after Sadaam had agreed to trade oil for Euros in the early '90s (a time when no-one else wanted to trade it and it was in free-fall), and when he did so well out of it (the Euro strengthened after his trade deal progressed) that other Gulf states had been talking about doing the same, by a complete coincidence, the US invaded Iraq. The US were sitting on record debt levels and could barely afford the invasion, so they left and let ISIS take over for a while, then contracted Iran (by dropping sanctions) to clean that mess up for them, then re-imposed sanctions on Iran.

    Following the QE kick-off in 2008/9, in the face of a commodities boom, Russia, China and a few other countries had been talking about creating a new currency basis for international trade, based on a basket of currencies, rather than the US dollar. Then, as if by magic, someone suggested extending NATO membership into Ukraine and then Crimea got annexed. I also remember Trump, during his term in office, nagging the NATO members to spend more on bolstering their capabilities; it was almost as if he could predict that something was going to happen within a couple of years…

    This type of thinking of independent trade, by countries other than the US, seems to be doomed to random misfortunes.

  8. This guys a fool. Clearly an anti American plant. Talk about your own country, instead of constantly slamming mine. Are you gonna protect or feed yourself? Conversation over! I’ve seen your videos for 4 months now. Not one thing you have said about American currency has come true. OWN THAT! When our currency fails, yours would’ve along time ago. Worry about that.

  9. I believe BRICS countries will be able to interchange currencies as well. If Russia buys a commodity from Brazil, Brazil will be able to accept payment from Russia in yuan or other brics currencies instead of rubles if they plan on buying from China or any BRICS country.Brazil will sell some of the currencies from their reserves they have gained from dealing with these other countries.

  10. The US dollar being increasing weaponized and other countries have been seeking reliable alternatives to regain financial independence. India’s central bank has recently unveiled an Indian rupee settlement system for international trade, a move seen as a step towards de-dollarization. The US financial hegemony backfires as other countries opt for de-dollarization. Any country that protected its economy and grew its own food and if the US didn’t like it, the US could have all their foreign exchange and all its saving stolen. This has led countries no longer want to keep their savings in the form of US dollars. And this is going to end dollarization. Other countries now will begin to denominate their trade and investment in their own currencies and they will move to create a new kind of international bank as an alternative to the SWIFT system that is control by the US and the West. The US and the West can always do the same to other countries banking systems like what they have done to several Russian banks, banning them and stealing the monies with impunity from the SWIFT financial-messaging system following Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. With India’s central bank unveiling an Indian rupee settlement system for international trade, this important part of the international economy and a viable alternatives.

  11. Chris Hedges and economists have been warning about what's to come. I dread this bad news but hopefully we can delay this another decade or so.

  12. Well, the truth is out there, denial or sinking your head in the sand wouldn't make any difference. Preparing is the ultimate and people holds their responsibility in decisions making, so if one screwed up their own life, good for them. Views and opinions are personal, so if you feel this video isn't right for you, LEAVE.

  13. Currency absolutely has to be backed 100% by gold, currencies that based on the strength of its GDP will be worthless once its economy fall or failed. Just as the amount of loan we can get from the lenders must be based on the credit standing of us ,and big nation that feed its lazy population by just printing in order to gain their votes is a great mistake and the old word colony is long already dead, the world has already waken. Once no nation is willing to accept your currency, you will be dead, you become a lone stranger, better work harder and build back your economy and no more as a busy bee going around aimlessly.

  14. The US and its allies dished out sanctions on countries with impunity, and similarly forfeited other countries' assets as they wished. In this way they have destroyed their own integrity, the trust and respect they had previously, and eroded their standing in the world. No one to blame but themselves.

  15. This is what happens when you eat too much, you eventually have to spew it out. The US is too stretched out and they need to start putting in plans for the collapse because this once it starts collapsing it will go fast especially with the Saudis.

  16. Why other nations opt for de dollarisation – because they have been seeing recently the randomly abuse of USA against any country, that wants to be independent, be the manager of their own resources, goods, and Trading. So, they all threatened with all sorts of accusations to perform a colour revolution, sanctions, freezing assets. So, wise nations take their assets home, and refuse the dollar, as tomorrow it can happened to them, that they have no assets, no money anymore, because US stole all of it. Remember Libya, a rich country with a big amount of gold reserves. Who toke it all home? Libya is poor today. 9 billion Afghan owned money by the Afghan people. Who stole it? USA, where is it now, Biden proudly announced all the 9 billion have been allegedly given to the 9/11 victims with what right? Afghan children dying of hunger, because of the USA, any war crime trials against them? Syria, US military base in the South exploiting Syria’s oil, after destroying the country. Not paying a penny.
    Really US “Leadership” is appalling. I am very happy, that finally something get moving against US dictatorship. Thank you.

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