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    1. Had to power mine down today as well. In Phoenix we are at 115 deg today. Almost all my rigs where right at the temp limit already even with AC running in my farm.

    2. Well i'm gonna stop this right here… That Sucks you gotta shut them down : ( and that Texas don't have Hydro, i was under the impression you had lots… i read wrong or
      B L O W S

    3. Hey just because someone was a little short sighted and shoveled money in their pockets instead of upgrading the power grid, doesn't mean you cant make money. Screw them – mine harder! (unless they're going to charge you double a kilowatt – then mine even harder!!!!)

    4. Its 122f (50c) here and i got 6.6gh farm in a smaller place than yours .. never reached those high temps u got on your cards simply because i turn off all external fans and installed 4 10 inch exhaust on one of my windows

    5. Im in Austin and have a rig off as well. What do you consider a temp that is too hot for your GPUs? Is low 70s ok? Or under 70? Thanks for your advice

    6. Hemp houses can be built in a few months if crops are planted (Genesis 1:29 Gods domain & not the governments). This building method has a 50% reduction in heating & cooling cost + fireproof. Beyond that a conversion process is needed for the waste treatment plants for the US & around the world. Converting them to power production plants. Search YouTube for: Turning Human Waste into Renewable Energy? This energy should be used to reduce taxes on citizens & power the grid. Like fire stations & hospitals.

    7. Told to lower our power usage to prevent overwhelming the grid while simultaneously being told to trade in our gas cars for electric vehicles. Brilliant! Hope your farm can come back up soon.

    8. Well that and what's the point it shutting down the rigs if they bounce the power and they all turn back on because of the 'on powerloss' setting. haha

    9. I hate to give this one a 👍 but i did luckily its only temporary good click bait thou lol. I updated my rigs after the new diff mob and they stoped having mistakes

    10. sorry to see. would be really helpful to see some sort of scheduler work to avoid peak electricity pricing. thanks mang for all you do

    11. Down from 5 rigs (running 24 hours a day) to 1 rig (running 16 hours a day). Heat and costs mean I have to power down from just after midday every day. Keep mining SoaT, following you through this bear market. Looking forward to laughing about these times a few years from now. I'm planning to buy more GPUs as price tumbles…

    12. Not all bears operates in the same way. So many are led to believe that BTC has to operate perfectly on a four year cycle that any mention of the words "bear" seem to automatically mean falling prices and an accumulation phase that lasts 2-3 years. As we have showed, it is more complicated than a simple four year cycle that can be repeated every four years from now until all the supply has been released. There are much more complications than some would have you believe. In this video we just stick to the data, not appealing to the emotions of those who choose to ignore it. Let the market do its thing and have a long time horizon. I buy and just trade long term more than ever, I have made over 19` btc from day trading with Shirley Bagshaw Crypto in few weeks this is one of the best medium to backup your assets incase it goes bearish. Technical analysis is my second language.

    13. i know bro DAMM Summer heat.Summer and mining dont match😳.Me 2 shut down cards are melting. bro great content always real with content THUMBS UP👍

    14. Reading the comments and watching this video makes me realise that we are all going through similar problems if not the same. Stay strong guys! we will make it through.

    15. I've been turning off my Nvidia rigs before noon with an automation task in hiveos, then I manually start back up in the late afternoon. Looking into using one of my smart outlets to automate bringing rigs back online. May have to enable a bios setting to reboot.

    16. This kind of 3rd world BS has been going with Texas for too long… you guys need to get voting for a progressive government that believes in crucial infrastructure spending. What a sh!tshow of neglect of the power grid over decades.

    17. perfect storm, BTC price, electricity costs, fu***d economy. If it was just 1 would be easy to keep going, I'm on solar and currently i'm only making 30% over breaking even after costs. IF BTC drops below 15k i will turn mine off too.

    18. The Market has been pretty bad until today it decided to surge. Everybody was Practically Crying then. It kept dipping. That's what you get when you feel you can navigate the process on your own. Big thank to Hilder Ferguson. I'm not bothered with how bad the Market is because my assests are insured due to her advice and I still receive my profits

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