Europe’s worst nightmare is unfolding this week. Russia’s energy giant Gazprom began 10 days of maintenance work on the Nord stream 1 pipeline. As per reports, there is no guarantee when the pipeline would actually become functional again.

    #thefullcontext #russia #europe

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    1. This lady knows nothing about anything. She has no idea that oil built everything around her. Including her computer that she can complain over. Just another eco-dummy.

    2. Lol you lied I have a real map of all the pipelines lol there are 10 pipelines from Russia – and hundreds that distribute that gas throughout the whole of Europe … your map is simply Wrong !


    4. Rubbish not leading to highest inflation .. oil prices had already increased to 80 dollars / bbl from low of $23 dolkars / bbl so stop speaking rubbish – oil price is 90-100 USD Per bbl so you are wrong !

    5. Next – Europe has not sleep walked into this situation … she is talking complete rubbish … her country was robbing gas and making Billions from its charges to transport the gas through Ukraine to Europe … so her own admissions right now are the exact opposite of what Zelenski was crying about – when the Nordstream 2 pipeline was finished – he cried that Ukraine would be bypassed by N2 direct to Germany as well … lol 😂 so tell the truth … she is jealous that Nordstream 2 will come on line and Nordstream 1 after repairs and Ukraine are Ukraine … they can do what ever they wish with Their own gas !!! Not Russian gas

    6. One final observation on facts –
      Oil and gas comes from 5 principle regions
      Russia, Middle East, Africa and GOM / South America so it is farcical when I hear people talking stupidly about – reliance on the immediate neighbours gas and oil.
      Again her facts are crap – India’s import of oil and gas is one month … verses 1 days imports to Europe … this kind of disinformation is not good …

    7. The action of Germany to begin the road to early shutdown of their Nuclear power plants shocked me. I knew this would set back their plans of "carbon zero" and could not understand how smart Germans failed to see that too.
      Add to that Germany's failure to understand Russia's concern with the eastward expansion of NATO, and then turning a blind eye to Ukraine's continued bombing of the Donbast separatists in violation of the Minsk agreement. It was clear to me Russia was planning some significant action.
      I fully expect that Russia will struggle to return the NordStream-1 to full service from what is a normal annual summer maintenance shutdown. The prior 2 years summer shutdown did not have nearly the work required. But I also think Russia will offer to deliver the entire NS-1 gas delivery schedule on the NordStream-2 pipeline which is presently in standby due to sanctions.
      Maybe the EU will even suggest having both NS-1 & NS-2 in service so Germany can share winter gas with its' neighbors. Problem solved. Now stop burning coal.

    8. When EU and US buy from Russia it is OK. Each time they change their minds for corrupt and harmful reasons, should the rest of the world follow suit any more? Know a thing called HYPOCRISY ?

    9. When will the Europeans stop sending weapons to kill Russians?
      Napoleon, Hitler and now NATO, all killing Russians!
      Stealing their National, corporate and personal property.
      Please Europe, look in the mirror and see yourself as others see you.

    10. India helps Russia win the war with ukraine, while buying all that gas from them at a reduced cost, so Russia can buy more weapons with the money it gets in rubies.

    11. What NATO did in the middle east, It's all happening with them now,
      NATO destroy many Middle East Countries by using Terrorist as Doll, Now Middle East Countries have been destroyed but Terrorism Is Still alive. WHY because it's American Policies

    12. EU must stop dancing on America's Finger. & should think about their own people's interests. & they should make a strong relationship with Russia Because without Russia EU can't survive.

    13. Wester governments can use the payment gateway and other countries' assets as weapons and inflict economic pain on other countries. This is ok. When affected countries respond, they cry foul. Western government jokers.

    14. Russia definitely has not "weaponised" either food or energy. The energy is there for those who pay for it. Food exports are denied to Russia because of western sanctions. Russia has expedited Ukrainian food exports by negotiating with Turkey to allow ships to pass once the Ukrainian laid mines are removed. Europe has done this to itself by following the US. The cure here is to return the NS1 turbine pump, and for Germany to certify NS2.

    15. You have still fools who believe that when you rely even more on solar and wind, no matter how many you build, every calm night, expect Nothing to happen.

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