In 2013, one of the earliest Bitcoin conferences was held in San Jose, when one Bitcoin was worth $118. Now, 1 BTC goes for nearly $40,000, and the cryptocurrency industry has minted a new class of millionaires and billionaires with grand aspirations for the industry and the power it wields.

    In this episode of Cryptoland, Motherboard catches up with some of the earliest investors present at the Bitcoin 2013 conference and reckons with how the cryptocurrency industry has evolved over the past decade and looks at where it’s going.

    Watch all 8 episodes of CRYPTOLAND here:

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    1. I find it hard to believe that anyone would invest in crypto solely because of the good it can do. Sure it can do a lot of good, but that’s a good selling point. Early investors must have been primarily motivated by what it could become financially. Look at what has happened it created a new class of billionaires and millionaires (which is not a bad thing.) However, just like any emerging industry or tech start up there are problems of income inequality.
      If crypto is doing so much good, where are the early members of the movement that didn’t make a lot of money, why are they not speaking about how great the movement is.

      I get it, it’s her job to promote crypto “it will do so much good for the world”. Then you will have a lot of small investors who invest, the price goes up and the inequality persists.

      Just be honest about it is all I’m saying.

    2. "it was never about the money and will make the world a better place" ??? really, the most abused phrases that happened to be not true.
      Oh and to add insult to injury is shorted is so grossly manipulated, like any other stock.
      What a damn joke !!

    3. (Investing in crypto currency now should be in every wise individual list, in 2_3years time, you'll be ecstatic with the decision you made today.:)

    4. wow this "expert" lady sounds like another internet crypto influencer a bunch of buzz words with no real answers she literally said "precious metals are literal rocks" she's freakin dense. SMH I love cryptography, I HATE CRYPTO PEOPLE. another great moment when she said an afgan woman can work online and get paid bit coin…. yeah that sounds great, but where would she buy milk? have that shit door dashec? gtfo

    5. Not sure how you can demean the value of "F***ing Rocks". Without "F***ing Rocks" you don't have the technology to create and transfer crypto in the first instance. I am not sure the value of Crypto as a currency – I don't see any benefits from it at all. The blockchain has its' uses no doubt and this is probably where the "value" will come from.

    6. This woman around 20:00 seems like a really stupid person, for giving no solution just keeps saying what we should have. Not the person we should be interviewing. Just seems like she is trying to be edgy when she speaks. >Has clear incentives to frame Krypto in a good light without giving good reasons for why it is a good thing. I think it is good do not get me wrong but she would have put me off it If I was not already interested in it.

    7. quote: This woman really just said, if you do not understand it I do not have time to explain. Imagine if every actual intellectual person was like this.

    8. I literally can't imagine a worse person to have as a spokesperson for crypto than this woman, holy shit does she not have a singular clue as to what she's talking about. Not only is she massively wrong in a lot of the things she say, she also has the same jargon as a politician put in a tough spot trying to weasel herself out of it. I'm really happy the interviewers grilled her a bit so as to really prove that she does, in fact, not understand the business she is inside. Hopefully future guests can be more convincing because this is laughable.

    9. I truly respect this team who stay strong during hard times. Even when they have every reason to break down.for help me on my Bitcoins account I also appreciate your effort so much Sir… for getting 5.9 BTc during the lockdown period of time…. I got enough money to say indoor at this period,

    10. I truly respect this team who stay strong during hard times. Even when they have every reason to break down.for help me on my Bitcoins account I also appreciate your effort so much Sir… for getting 5.9 BTc during the lockdown period of time…. I got enough money to say indoor at this period,

    11. This Lady is Impressive and Absolutly Brillant, She gave so many good Points in an interesting Perspective with ways i hadn't seen them before. Shes Beautiful Funny and makes Oprah look Broke. Im in Love with you MARRY ME !!!!!

    12. I will forever be in-depted to you Madelyn you've changed my life, I'll continue to preach about your name for the world to hear, you've saved me from a huge financial debt with just little investment.

    13. “Literal f***ing rocks”… Does she understand that these “rocks” like gold are in computers, batteries, and are instrumental in making actual things (unlike cryptos)?

    14. Notice how whenever there’s a video about bitcoin. The comments are always filled with bots telling people to invest and claiming they made 6 figures from crypto. It’s a scam and the ones on top want people to invest in their fraud coins so they can make money. It’s a scam

    15. BTC price has been fluctuating lately, buying the capitulation isn't a rough call but it's a very rough call to figure out what to do aside holding. The good thing this space is that you can buy the dip and put them into active trades while confidently waiting for a pump in price because it's inevitable. Most people don't understand how the space works. Your advantage is understanding, charts won't guarantee what an asset is going to do. Price will go up and down nevertheless, the market has been profitable despite fluctuations in price.
      I have always played safe implementing trade with insights and signals from a renowned trader, Adriana Campbell. I made thousands of dollars from the crash in the market lately.

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