There’s no perfect DEX – but CoinMarketCap Alexandria has chosen the top ten! Let’s see if your favorite DEX is on the list!

    If you were around in the early days of decentralized finance, then you might remember what it was like to use the very first wave of decentralized exchanges.

    Slow, clunky, unintuitive and downright frustrating. These are some of the first adjectives that come to mind when describing most of these platforms.

    But things have come a long way in recent years, and decentralized exchanges are beginning to rapidly encroach on both the utility and usability of centralized platforms — which still remain the dominant way for cryptocurrency users to trade today.

    Here are the Top 10 Decentralized Exchanges (DEX) for 2022

    0:00 Intro
    2:00 Uniswap
    2:52 PancakeSwap
    3:40 Curve
    4:28 SushiSwap
    5:16 SpookySwap
    6:00 QuickSwap
    7:00 Raydium
    7:47 TraderJoe
    8:43 AstroSwap
    9:39 SundaeSwap

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    1. I'm so SICK of having to do unnecessary biometrics, pins, 2FA, KYC, and other verifications EVERY SINGLE TIME I need to do a simple operation on an exchange! We really need a major DEX revolution that gives power to the user.

    2. you literally deleted my comment… im not gonna bother retyping it, but all imma say is that i cant wait until your exposed for scamming.

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