The International Energy Agency warns that the EU’s efforts to end its reliance on Russian gas are simply not enough. The agency says the bloc is set to have insufficient gas supplies to see it through winter, if Russia turns off the taps. The message from the IEA came just as Russia’s Gazprom reportedly sent a letter to European importers declaring “force majeure” on deliveries down the Nord Stream 1 pipeline to Germany. The state gas producer said “extraordinary circumstances” meant the resumption of flows was beyond its control. Germany’s government says it’s now considering whether to extend the life of its three remaining nuclear power plants to alleviate the looming crisis. Meanwhile, the EU signed an agreement with Azerbaijan on Monday to double gas imports to Europe in the coming years.

    In 2021, Russia sent 155 billion cubic meters of natural gas to the European Union. The Nord Stream 1 pipeline alone has the capacity to send 55 BCMs in a year. Meanwhile, Azerbaijan sent a total of 8 billion cubic meters to the EU last year. Under the deal, it is now expected to deliver still only 12 billion this year. So that wouldn’t even come close to replacing flows down Nord Stream 1, let alone Russia as a whole. Is the prospect of Russia stopping all supplies to the EU by the winter a realistic one?


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    1. Germany sanctions Russia and they expect Russia to still deliver their gas to them? LOL this is why you should not trust the Germans!!

    2. the numbers speak for itself…. "additional" supply lacks far behind what is actually needed and it is coming "in a few years"?! But ursula still speaks with confidence as though the problem is going to be solved soon .. lol…. You can't blame her though… this will not affect her much as her family and her will still have enough resources to have enough heat and electricity. Just like Robert Habeck she will probably tell the whole world that she will shower less too since she works so hard for everyone but herself….Not so sure the same applies for her EU citizens. They should hold her accountable.

    3. Aahhhh Stop Complaining about your Stuupidity…. You have Energy Issues and Insist to Throw Aggressive Sanctions to those who can Help you with that Problems.. You Have it Well Deserved Coming…..

    4. The EU wasn't going to pay Russia market price for their gas. And , they do not want to pay in rubles or gold
      Edit they want to pay in paper that Russia cannot use due to sanctions

    5. Biden provokes Putin now in a proxy war. Sanctions are hurting the countries that imposed them. He’s leading these fools off a Cliff.

    6. Wow she makes it sound like it's the greatest thing still bullshiting needs to get nrd stream 2 open now as well as one time to tell ukrain America to take a hike and start looking after your own interests trade with them and Asia and stay out of there country's bisness

    7. EU talks about "human rights record" by Azerbaijan as if there were not trying to replace the BIGGEST human rights offender using energy as weapon, Russia… I'm not Azeri, just an observation.
      EU should learn at least the hard way, GET OFF PUTIN'S NEEDLE!

    8. OOOO this is getting deep ( Re turbines ) Putin just stated Canada delayed on purpose ( screw EU ) Canada BIG plans to take over EU gas market ….The decision [not to return the turbine] is not based on political issues, nor on the issue of our military operation in Ukraine. The motives are pragmatic… because they [Canada] are planning to enter the European market and are developing gas production at home.” Putin said at a forum in Moscow.

    9. Europe keep shooting itself for supporting America and nato’s war with Russia. Where are these so call Excellent politician from they have absolutely no clue what’s going on. Europe is brain dead exposed its own citizens to these crisis by dragging them into conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Ukrainian color Revolution is One of the many Color Revolution CIA had engineered around. America created the problem European suffered the consequences.

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