Different cryptocurrencies have different functions, not all are made to replace the currencies like Rupee, Dollar, Euro that we use today. This video will give you an introduction to all the different types of cryptocurrencies and you’ll be able to see why people call it a revolution as big as the internet! Types of Cryptocurrency for Beginners.

    0:00 Introduction to cryptocurrencies
    1:00 History of cryptocurrencies
    2:12 Altcoins
    2:27 Stablecoins
    3:47 Tokens
    4:05 Tokens – Utility Tokens
    5:52 Tokens – Security Tokens
    6:46 Tokens – Asset Tokens
    7:51 Crypto and Meme Coins
    8:08 Conclusion

    The knowledge partner for this video is The Blockchain School, assisting me with the technical concepts to ensure you get premium accurate content!
    You can check them out here: https://theblockchainschool.io

    Let’s connect:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anushkarathod98/?hl=en
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    1. Anushka ji..An Excellent breathless narration.. Simply superb..πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ
      Iam very much new to this Crypto..
      Its happened to watch ur video & interest generated towards Crypto..
      Now I am really want acquire complete knowledge of crypto before any investment.. please guide me hoe to get complete gyan about crypto & how to invest & trade in crypto.. please extend help to me..

    2. A company can issue equity shares and equity tokens both ? And if it is so..any authority controls it ? so that company should not be exposed more than their real value..bcoz company can game this way and investors will have huge risk..

    3. Thanku for the video.. i was trying to understand cryptocurrent since long time . You have explained it in such a easy language that anyone can understand it easily..

    4. Superb ContentπŸ”₯
      Thank you very much Anushka for this video πŸ’―

      What I've learnt from this video is that, I see myself buying Equity tokens using Crypto currencies backed by Physical assets or Gold for stable transactions and long term investment wealth appreciation instead of Speculative Investing and following Herd Mentality.

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