We talk to the team who traveled across the Philippines, digging into the play-to-earn gaming phenomenon that’s making some people rich, while critics say could be potentially exploitative.

    Ready Player Earn is available to watch on SHOWTIME.

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    1. That's so bad. Here in Australia there's a company called Balthazar NFT gaming pushing these games. It's pretty bad – they prey on those people that don't fully understand. Ponzi asf

    2. Just wanna say Thank You Satoshi Nakamoto. For without Bitcoin, there wouldn't be ETH, then there will be no Alt Coins, then there will be no Decentralized Finance (DeFi). I am old and no company would hire me for my value and my pay grade, without crypto trading and defi, I would be totally be bankrupt. I am from Manila. As for Axie, yes there are certainly a good amount of people in my country… including industry/business friends./contacts, local youtubers, and some relatives have earned money (huge, big, and small amounts) from Axie. I believe Axie will have a come back very soon.

    3. I see some comments here, who abhor what the effect Axie has done to general society. I believe some of them here are middle class people who are living comfortable lives ( i supposed)… you have different sets of moral and ethical standards (i supposed)… Try living in a developing country (aka 3rd world country) and maybe it will help you change your opinion about Axie and crypto in general.

    4. There's an inside joke, that the guy who makes one of his points at 12:27 reminded me of:

      "Oh, I gotchu, bro! I'll pay you back, season-after-next season…"

      If you get it, you get it.

    5. As much as they say nfts, bitcoin, crypto don't have real value they used terms and words we use to describe regular money. The dollar is only worth something if you believe and it is the government's job to make you believe so it has value. So what are complaining about again?

    6. 10:08 I said if they say one dumbass woke thing I'm done with vice, it's all been downhill anyways for years now, it's a game and they make money to play a game, they don't have to play, dump it and move on or play.

    7. " they don't really have any value unless other people agree that they have value"

      LOL this may as well be a documentary about the fiat system.

      I'm not a big fan of play-to-earn, attacks on crypto made here can be just as easily applied to usd.

    8. there are a lot more games coming with a similar through-line of earn money playing our game. it's a vampire attack on free-to-play games and it will work. some will be fairer, some will be malicious. be careful and take profits if you choose to play

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