Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said Monday that a repaired turbine would be installed at a compressor station of the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline once it had returned from maintenance in Canada, with natural gas then to be supplied in “corresponding volumes.”

    He said that there was more Nord Stream 1 equipment that needed repairing and Siemens Energy, the company which is servicing the facilities, is aware of that.

    The repaired turbine has caused criticism for Canada by Ukraine after the Canadian government gave permission for the turbine to be delivered to Germany, despite sanctions currently against Russia which is the majority owner of Gazprom. The Ukrainian World Congress had petitioned the Federal Court for a judicial review in hopes of stopping the turbines.

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    1. Common sense russians versus extremely unserious westerners? I wonder which will win? LOL I PRAY putin starves the west of gas and every other mineral they need! Well deserved. He should do it in honor of africa of the middle east!

    2. -> 😏 Maybe We're The 1st Spiritist* Pop-Metal Or Rock Band In This World…

      But Don't Pay Much Attention To Our Neanderthal English, ❀


      -> Spiritist is who professes Spiritism, the Gospel continuation

      It has began with the books by Allan Kardec and continued in the books by Francisco C. Xavier, the greatest and more important medium/prophet of spirits of the last centuries.

    3. Canada hasn't felt so important before as the foreign ministers of EU begged Trudeau to ship back the turbine been held hostage in Canada. Typical racketeering.

    4. Roger's Communications one of the corporations that have a strong hold over Canada is getting their pawn Trudeau to change Canada's system. They're now going to target the farmers in Canada which is going to cause mass food shortages in Canada. This will then allow very wealthy people and govt to buy up farmers land.

    5. Global New,CBC and Ctv are all funded by the fed govt, This is how China keeps their people under control. Control the media, control the people.

      Welcome to Canada.

    6. Putin will always play our duly elected leaders like monkeys. He played them in 2014, then again in 2015 in Syria and he’s playing them now. All for one simple reason – he’s more intelligent and surrounds himself with intelligent people while all we have is a group of ideological fanatics

    7. Resorting to censorship on some of your stories by not allowing posts. Welcome to the new Pravda. Soon Trudope will consolidate all news agencies and eliminate the opposition and steal their assets like Ukraine has. Bad times ahead

    8. So while the EU buys more gas from Russia are the G10 going to send more support to Ukraine? Maybe some more Canadian carbon tax could pay for weapons. What a dog and pony show.

    9. Interesting new development. My theory for the security,prosperity and insuring of liberty for the ''' Collective Of North American Civilization'' best at this Point In Time.

      Good News is that Eye Love You. Calling for an immediate ceasefire !

      That stated, read the following thrice carefully and and please only discerning, wise and questioning persons respond : Back in October 2019, as a World Peace Advocate, Independent Student Scholar of History, Geopolitics, Wars & Civilizations and Independent Security Analyst and Theorist HAD concluded that we ( North America, NATO member countries and THE WEST) are on a path towards WW3 due to the US-CHINA TRADE WAR begun by the Trump Administration back in early 2018, The Arrest of the CFO of Huawei Meng Whenzou by the RCMP in Canada in order to honor an extradition treaty with the USA, other geopolitical events, & the historical event known as Pearl Harbor. Concluding as an Independent Thinker, Analyst and Philosopher that we ( Humanity ) are on a Path Towards WW3 HAD created, designed & made a New Training Program produced to go hand in hand with a WW3 scenario. Thus, October 17 2019 HAD performed the 1st session of the General War Integrated Total Body Training System aka The 300 Workout integrated & in parallel to a near future timeline witch was the WW3 scenario. 93 Days later, the COVID 19 Crisis Began ! In parallel to my WW3 scenario witch is caused by a Stock Market Crash witch consequently triggers a Global Financial Collapse the Coronavirus began. Not sure what caused Covid believe it was snakes but cannot rule out another possibility. What do know is my scenario HAD a solution the creation of a New Institution : The International Citizen Integrated Social Security Force aka The Dragon Army witch am calling for the creation. Tell the Leaders of the Free World Dragon Zero's Message : Drop Down and give Dragon 13 pushups with Love & For The Sake of World Peace.

      What say ye ? Will you join the Dancing Goddess & Dragon Kingdom for World Peace ? Can u support, volunteer, bless & love Adrian Hannah Dragon's World Peace Work ?

    10. In other news,

      Sri lankan crops were reduced by government "green" policies; reducing fertiliser and crop yields, affecting their economy leading to famine

      This same policy is being brought into canada and europe; farmers across the world are protesting against it

      If you dont wanna starve, support your farmers against the famine-inducing governments

    11. Well done Putin's Russia.
      Cut all gas from all pipes.
      Let the evil empires of lies enjoy the confiscation of russian assets. Make them sell their children and the milk of their women.

    12. Celebrimbor – Explaining to Talion that beauty to orcs exists only to be destroyed. Hmm quite like the germans from WW2 or now Russia and China in current day :// Really makes you think.

    13. Putin is Lying.. Better destroy those products if it will not help the World..I think it is in the Advantage of Europe if they will damage that products..They are the products that sustains Putins war

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