Russia is waging an economic war on Europe. Moscow has made drastic cuts to European gas supplies. They have fallen by 80%. Palki Sharma tells you how Russian cuts could push Europe into a recession.

    #Gravitas #Russia #Europe

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    1. Russia isn't pushing there NATO countries into depression, they are doing it to themselves by the sanctions. You re gaslighting your viewers.

    2. Western dominate has had a wake up call Russia is not a third world country you can team up on africa to Asia support Russia I hop I live to see a fair world where the dis advantage people of the world are in a better place then they are at the momment ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿพ

    3. These countries were once colonizers of Asia and Africa. They treated them as third world and did all sorts of inhumane things to build their wealth and look how dependent and energy/resource poor they still are. Even 200-300 years of systematic plunder did not help ๐Ÿ™‚ Well the Global economic model you have built is flawed. Growth should be a criteria for Developing world.

    4. I remind that those who whine their own mistakes are the folks who promotes, weaponize and support neo nazism and fascists in an attempt to rebrand it freedom. They are lucky I'm not the RU president I'd cut it down 1000% and cancel all form of communication and any shape of recognition. Lights out entirely

    5. What Iโ€™m worried about is โ€œwhen everything fails they will take you to warโ€ someone has planned to create this war and Iโ€™m sure this 2 counties that are involved do not want this because it will only hurt their own economy and it will lead only to destruction who benefit the most on this war maybe the weapons of war industry who has big influence on the politicians.

    6. The arrogance of the EU. A bunch of incompetent bureaucratic bullies. They might be making life difficult for the UK because of BREXIT but poke the bear (Russia) and there will be consequencees.

    7. Not understanding one thing, who thrown the Europe into recession , Russia thrown Europe into Recession, absolutely no, European leaders thrown their contries into Recession bcz of Biden politics…

    8. It's not europe lost its Russian economy colapse.. Europe getting gas in Nigeria and Oman in Israel and USA delivered to Europe only wion making news ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    9. Russia should completely cut gas to its foes and let them freeze then citizens can turn on there corrupt government's and give them a sriLanka!

    10. I'm shocked that Europe was so dependent and vulnerable to Russian gas for so long. it is time to accelerate energy transition, and Europe can do it!

    11. How can anyone trust Europe or the west anymore. Russia spent a lot of money building Nord Steam 2, and now Germany refuses to certify it.

      In January 2019, the US ambassador in Germany, Richard Grenell, sent letters to companies involved in the construction of Nord Stream 2 urging them to stop working on the project and threatening them with the possibility of sanctions.

      The west talk of rationing and looking else were for gas/oil. If you run a company and the people you supply to are talking like this, its time to look somewhere else to sell your product.

      Zelenskyy got himself into this problem, maybe he should be looking to get out of it, while he still has a country.

    12. If Hungry does not want to stick together with the EU decisions, then Hungry needs to be removed from the EU! EU must stick together and not allow Russia to break the unity of EU. Can"t allow Russia to dictate to the world what they can and can not do.

    13. Italy gets oil from Maghreb and kaukaz. you cannot throw all the european countries into one pot. get your numbers right. France? an all different case than Germany.

    14. Is Brussels offended that it eats less from the hand it bites? Shouldn't it celebrate that the generosity of the hand – that has yet to slap it into a state of communism – continues to feed it out of compassion? Let's fill out this story and inform your viewers that Norway has multiplied its price to Europe by 10-fold since February of this year, this while Russia sells energy to all of its international consumers, whose combined population includes 2/3 of the planet, at discounts of 10% to 30% below market value. Let's also include the relevant fact that only Germany's signature that legalizes payments to Russia in defiance of sanctions blocks the flow of Russian energy at 100% or higher. Let's please tell the whole story.

    15. It seems the concept has been hammered in people's heads time and again by now. Nonetheless it appears that 'melius abundare quam deficere'. So I feel the urge to of parroting it: Europe is going to be permanently hybernated whilst the world will be elated by the overwhelming victory of putrid over its perverse enemies.

    16. EU is lucky that Russia didnt stop gas supply at the begining despte Foot sucking EU iimposed thausands sanctions on Russia and despite Russian concern EU supplying milion milion dollars weopns to joker zelenosky. HAIL TO GO AHEAD AND STOP 100 % SUPPLY

    17. Well, in short term this is big problem for Europe, in long terms this is big defeat for Russia. Who will buy and PAY gas? This is just another sign that Putin does not know what to do. It looks like he was planing totaly different situation in Ukraina, but…

    18. Russia Should cut off Europe's gas supply. Europe is sending weapons to Ukraine. What are they morons !? No nation should be sending support to Ukraine

    19. It is very interesting for me to read comments. Most of them supports Putin and "love" Russia. Most of the are happy if Europe falls in energy crisis. Very nice. Now, how many of those commenters, how many their relatives and friends live in Russia? How many in Europe? Full scale hypocrisy. When refugees are running away from their countries, why they dont't go to Russia, but they want to go to Europe? I will say it again… Full scale hypocrisy on the scene.
      When you are happy with problems in Europe, do you ever think of your own people living in Europe?

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