Fears Russia could halt supply of natural gas to Germany has pushed wholesale energy prices higher.


    1. A bigger concern should be in Australia. It is winter there. And people are afraid to heat their homes due to rising prices.

    2. First! The whole EU didn't wanted any gas from russia anymore and denied the rubel payment. The EU sanctions just taking place now. Not Putins fault that the EU authocrats didn't consider this sanctions will hurt mostly the population in europe.
      Don't poke the bear (0;.

    3. Russia should stop all gas supply to Germany. They have renewables it will be fine.
      I hope that idiot Chris Bowen is watching this is what he is wanting for Australia

    4. The turbines needed are not being shipped by Canada due to …… sanctions. So the West causes it, blocks the second pipeline and then plays victim lol.

    5. Good. They should cut off ALL gas to Germany. Trump warned them, and they laughed. Also, if you supply weapons to the enemies of your main energy supplier, you might expect some problems down the road.

    6. Thanks to stupid crazy leaders in the European Union, Germany itself and the West for putting sanctions on Russia they shot themselves in the foot they only have themselves to blame now they can suffer for a war that boomerangd back in there faces these lunatics are idiots they have destroyed the worlds energy cause of this what clowns.

    7. EU: we do not need Russian gas. We will stop buying gas from Russia in the coming 2 years. By the way keep supplying us as much as we need, we will now set the price at which Russia can sell its gas.
      Accept it now or else more sanctions.
      Putin: ok, China even needs more gas. Take your USD and Euro.

    8. America is to blame for these sanctions and this is result. Remember what Newton said."For every action there is an equal Reaction". Russia are doing what Must be done,thank you.

    9. DE has to lead the tech solutions out of this period. there should be an openess to fossil fuel such as temporary lignite, but a return to practical options nuclear, fusion, blH2. even a determination to re-invest in troubled partners iraq libya usa. do comment on euro investment in gas leases in the us and can. please go off the disinformation reset and nwo wef spin

    10. Question: Is it not because Germany had cheap and abundant gas from Russia that it developed its economy and living standard?
      I wonder how in western narrative they push the word "dependence" instead of "economic choice".

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