China has been aggressively selling its US debt and we need to pay attention. China traditionally needed US dollars to keep its exports low and in turn, reinvested it back into US treasuries. However, in 2022, their holdings have dipped below $1 trillion, and they are buying gold instead. This is crazy important as de-dollarization continues and we need to understand why.

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    ✅ Timestamps & Chapters:
    0:00 China Is Dumping US Treasuries
    1:47 Why China Buys US Debt
    4:08 China Is Afraid Of This
    5:51 Gold Is China’s Lifeline
    7:50 A New World Order Is Coming
    9:49 The Future Is Gold
    12:01 Prepare Yourself

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    – Start With Silver Or Go Straight For Gold?:
    – How Much Gold To Own:
    – How High Can Gold Prices Go:

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    The information presented on this channel is for news, education, and entertainment purposes only. The information does not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any investment product(s) or investment strategies, or a substitute for professional investment advice. It does not take into account your specific investment objectives, financial situation or needs. I am not a financial advisor or a licensed investment professional. Please consult with your financial advisor before following any investment strategies discussed herein.


    1. I've heard competing arguments that the new Russia/China currency will be Gold backed or it'll be cashless & will be tied to social credit. What do you think Sean?

    2. Brilliant video Sean! I was so elated about the recent dips in spot prices, gave me opportunities to add a little more weight to my stack and giving me more reassurance for the dark clouds ahead! Thanks for sharing. Cheers 👍🏻😊

    3. finger on what the rest of us have been whispering about since Jan of covid…usa is going Japan did in the 1800s….usa is going to retreat from the world…to rediscover itself from within…is to preserve one’s faith in god….
      yes..usa …It is like a dangerous mortally wounded monster with tentacles like a case u did not know, it is grabbing anything near it not only to hurt but to kill…it is strange that when usa made Muslims martyrs by geocoding them, usa said this of the Muslims, ‘’they want to go to god as quick as they can….and each want to bring 10 or 20 of their nearest and dearest with them.’’ …

      just like usa has been sucking out our wealth …they have also managed to hollow themselves from within…there is nothing left of that once talented beacon of light that used to shine for the world to admire in Hollywood…we’ve already seen them use their own lives as script & acting fodder…only when entities are truly spent do they start to copy the others they silently admire…as how usa is copying China in its communist approach to its own people….i could name more …but it is just getting too sad …just like stars in the universe that burn themselves out from within & just like how those super star novas die..will usa leave the stage. & now i am wondering, after they are gone…what will i have left to read?

    4. With those drunken sailors printing money like, erm, drunken sailors(!), all roads do indeed lead to gold. This video is an absolute gem, Sean. Really clear and compelling analysis.

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