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    If you’re not already in a protected position for The Global Reset, call us for your free strategy consult now: 877-410-1414


    If you want to know what to actually DO about all of this, that’s what we specialize in at ITM Trading. How do you protect your wealth for the next collapse and complete financial reset?

    Yes Gold and Silver, but what types, what dates? How much of each? What strategy? And what long-term plan?

    If you’re asking these questions you’re already ahead of the game…

    We’re here to help, as it is our mission to safeguard the public from the inevitable downfall of the dollar, global markets, and the current real estate bubble. Lynette Zang as our Chief Market Analyst has over 50 years of experience in economics, banking, and currencies. Along with our entire team of consultants from financial backgrounds; we’ve spent the last 25 years developing a complete strategy designed not only to protect our clients from standard crashes and recessions…but to position them properly for a complete currency collapse and economic Reset (which is the stage we’re now in).

    We are the most recommended precious metals company in the industry for good reason, because we create lifetime relationships with our clients, and facilitate strategies for lifetime security.

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    By ITM Trading’s Lynette Zang

    Call Us Direct for Long-Term Gold & Silver Strategies: 877-410-1414

    ITM Trading Inc. © Copyright, 1995 – 2022 All Rights Reserved.

    #gold #debt #centralbank


    1. “Millionaires don’t need astrologers but Billionaires do” JP Morgan quote
      It’s Leo season which is the element of 🔥
      The trinity of fire is
      Aries (1st house) spark ⚡️
      Leo is the flame 🔥
      Sagittarius is the heat 🥵
      I feel by Nov-Dec we will feel the heat 💰 💥
      💫 🌙

    2. Has anyone had this happened to them? Does anyone have a resolution?
      My sister had her life savings at US Bank. $34,000.
      She opened it up in Arizona but has since moved to Oregon. She is living in an RV on the property she purchased. So she does not have an address yet she had plans on putting a tiny kit home on it. You cannot get an address if you do not have a home on the property.
      So she went to the local US Bank in Oregon because she was ready to purchase the Kit… And they told her her account was closed in July!!
      Evidently they sent her A letter with the certified check to her old address.
      She did not have a forwarding address yet so she did not give that obviously to the bank…. Never thinking they would randomly close her account. She called the bank in Arizona where she opened up the account and they told her it would take 3 months for her to receive the check!!!! We are very concerned that this bank might go under in the next few months and she will get nothing. Does anybody know what she can do?

    3. If the banks have this much in gold deratives what would happen to the banks if they fail. They would then revalue gold to make their balance sheet look better. My feeling is that is why all the central banks have been buying.

    4. Hmmm… about 10 million in new card holders came across a border within a few years, probably a lot more.. HHmmm… If they had laws to stop them from getting em before.. seems, the customer came to their front door. Hhmmmm… Interesting. Lynette, you should mention the banks are still lending out @ 60-1 of loan and 140% of value. It is pure comedy at this point.. and still to big to fail.. College has done well for a few.

    5. JP Morgan while alive, was a foreign operative for england… Falsely started a rumor( with the help of Prescott Bush ) that the Knickerbocker Bank was insolvent which depositors made a run on the bank

    6. Can't wait for the overnight revaluation. These lineages of bankers don't understand the horror and pain they've inflicted on the world. From death and famine to your local robberies and domestic abuse. The lack and love of money has played a major role in misery and pain afflicted on this planet. They've manipulated their place in history and in hell.

    7. Why hasn't the CFTC forced JP Morgan out as custodian of the COMEX? Their executives rig the metals markets for years with tacit implicit support from the federal regulator. Banksters in action! JP Morgan should have to surrender custodianship of the COMEX.

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