Russia will cut the gas supply to Europe on Wednesday because of maintenance needed on turbines at their Portovaya compressor station. Gazprom said the Nord Stream 1 pipeline will reduce natural gas flows to Europe from the current 40% to just 20% of capacity on Wednesday. Russia still has not gotten their turbine back from Canada as it is currently with Siemens in Germany. Gazprom has said that their is a second turbine now that needs maintenance.
    With this gas cut, will Germany and the rest of Europe be able to fill their storage tanks for the winter? Germany currently is only 66% full. Their goal is to have their tanks at 95% by November 1.
    What will happen to the German people and economy if Russia cuts off their natural gas? Europe is preparing an emergency plan to cut natural gas usage by 10-15%.
    The Nord Stream 1 pipeline was under scheduled maintenance since July 11th and came back on line on July 22.
    Before the maintenance, the pipeline flows were reduced by 40% because of a turbine that Siemens sent to Canada to be repaired. Canada at first refused to send the turbine back because of Russian Sanctions. Canada has now agreed to return the turbine to Germany.
    Gazprom, has said that they can not guarantee that the pipeline will open because they do not have paper work proving the turbine will be returned.
    This has the German government trying to prepare for the worst.
    If the Nord Stream 1 gas is shut off, Germany plans to ration energy and implement measures to get through the winter.
    These measures include using coal, lignite, and encouraging people to chop down trees to use the wood for heating their homes. They also want people to shower less, wear more layers of clothes and drive less.

    Do your own due diligence of any stock or any other investment before you consider investing in it.
    Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor, and nothing on this channel is meant to be financial advice. The ideas expressed on this channel are purely opinions and should not be regarded as objective information. Nothing on this channel is a recommendation to buy or sell securities. Do not assume that facts and numbers in any video are accurate. Always do your own due diligence.


    1. When you sanctions a country ,what will the country do ? Of course there will retaliation ! Don't says that they are using gas nor oil as a weapon ? You ask for it ? Right !

    2. Germany's claims are not clear. Russians do not refuse deliveries. They just follow the maintenance schedule. Turbine blades burn out from high pressure and require replacement. Canadians are delaying the delivery of the turbine due to sanctions, so all claims are against the Canadians. The Russians are in a winning position, they have been living under sanctions for many years and have thoroughly prepared for any development of the situation up to a global war, so the Russians cannot be ignored.

    3. why eu keep on complaining where in fact they eu are the one who sanction russia first. why blaming russia , they should blame them self. it easy to pointing finger to other.

    4. Whatever the Russians and Chinese are doing to the West & Allied👈👉 it is called karma and for the rest of the world that the West destroy and sanction it is payback also call karma well done Russia continue doing what you do great job🇷🇺⚖️💯✅🙏

    5. there is also North stream 2, which is made only with russian turbines. At that time Russia understood, that sanction threats are everywhere.

    6. this is just to ensure europe cant fill their reserves before winter.. in october we will receive putins "demands" in order for him to not shut it off entirely.

    7. At this rate, surgeons in Germany and affected countries would be making a killing by midwinter this year doing toe amputations with the gangrene and frostbite – hope you've got enough anesthetic for all this..

    8. Germany: Have you received the turbine?

      Russia: YES, we the the turbine, we are transporting now to the plant,

      Oops, we just dropped it, got to send back for repair.

      Germany: 😫😫😫

    9. Russia is a massive country. They make spacecraft and aircraft with gas turbines. They don't need one from Siemens and would never let themselves become beholden to anyone

    10. This was a choice made by the EU, prodded by the US….Now the EU has to live by it's choices….whether they freeze or not this winter is an other matter….EU leader are too idiotic to see the light at the end of the tunnel is a train….

    11. The Russians have an astonishing maturity.

      Logically, the ''Force Majeur'' had already been underway for several months. Contractual liability is engaged with the freezing of Russian assets which are only assets resulting from the supply of gas and oil. Tort liability is incurred by sending weapons to the country at war with the supplying country.''

    12. Russian turbine problem?! … he he he… Why aren't we frank's and says this is mainly a German turbine problem ?!!!! … he he he … Now seriously, Propaganda does not solve deep problems, namely of lack of intelligence, guidance and common sense. We must recognize that a bad (a Very Bad) assessment was made, in support of the immoral sanctions launched against the Russian Federation. We are just suffering directly our errors.

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