Software engineer Molly White talks to NightCap’s Jon Sarlin about the recent high-profile crypto hacks. Plus, Project on Government Oversight’s Liz Hempowicz argues it’s crucial to ban members of Congress from trading stocks. And is J. Crew back?! The hosts of the “Throwing Fits” podcast weigh in on the khaki comeback. #CNN #business


    1. crypto is criminal cash. made up to move cartel funds. its not money its a transfer system. investing in it is a dumb move.

    2. I don’t understand why there’s zero coverage on abortion issues and even dept of justice lawsuit against Idaho on CNN????

    3. money from the stock market is just wages being stolen from workers at this time in our history. uncontrolled capitalism is no more then the economic law of the jungle . and if your not an apex predator your food. the same rich that have 90+% of all wealth have 90+% of all stocks and shares. not having laws to protect the non players is wrecking life for the most of us.

    4. I think ultimately regulation would help crypto, but hate how the gov insists on having their hands in everything. Most people trading crypto, take the risk, and that’s their choice. No one needs Biden to save us

    5. umm…lawrence and james have hard earned money?…
      bloviating for a living is bad enough, but being snooty about menswear is perhaps the quintessential non-earned livelihood !

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