31:55DISCLAIMER:  The information contained in this video is for informational and educational purposes only. Nothing herein shall be construed to be financial legal or tax advice. The content of this video is solely the opinion(s) of the speaker who is not a licensed financial advisor or registered investment advisor. Trading equities or cryptocurrencies poses considerable risk of loss. The speaker does not guarantee any particular outcome.
    00:00 Introduction
    01:40 Ghost Chains Haven’t Died
    01:55 Ghost Chains Become Zombie Chains
    03:12 Miners Haven’t Fully Capitulated
    03:36 Current Capitulation Narrative Overstated
    04:52 China Ban Capitulation vs Current
    05:28 Mt Gox Unlock is Still an Unknown
    05:44 Mt Gox Unlock Details
    06:12 IA Thoughts on Numbers
    06:30 Bitcoin Price if 20% Sold
    07:09 Bitcoin Price if 33% Sold
    07:23 Bitcoin Price if 50% Sold
    08:00 Incoming Regulation of Stablecoins
    08:47 Basic SC Regulation That is Needed
    09:15 Slim Chance of Anything Passing in 2022
    09:50 Incoming Securities Regulation
    10:19 New Bill: BTC and ETH are Commodities
    10:54 SEC Will Go After Securities
    11:37 XRP Case is a Case in Point
    12:15 Institutions and Tesla Selling BTC
    12:40 On Chain – 80% Of Buys are 10k+ BTC
    13:45 Fallout of Coinbase Insider Trading Case
    14:32 Gamefi as a Use Case for Crypto Sucks
    14:49 Popularity of Crypto Games Says Otherwise
    15:28 Big Gaming Studios Beg to Differ
    16:00 Industry Still Has A Lot To Work Through…
    16:29 High Cost Per Active User On Chains
    17:33 But You Play to Where the Puck is Going to be
    19:40 Looming Food Shortage
    19:55 Sri Lanka
    20:15 Food Shortage Impact on Economy
    21:00 Putin Will Cooperate
    21:25 Looming Worldwide Debt Crisis
    22:33 Inventories to cause Revenue and Margin Misses
    23:00 Retailers Will Get Hit… but $AMZN up 40% in 40d
    23:33 Switching Gears from Inventories – ISM
    24:37 Zombie Firms – Prob 30%
    25:15 1% of Companies Generate 48.4% of Return
    25:35 Conclusion – Back the Winners
    25:45 Stagflation
    28:00 Stock Market During Recessions
    29:06 Stock Market During Recessions Graphic
    29:47 China Taiwan War
    30:55 China War
    31:53 Overall Scorecard
    33:26 30,000 Ft Summary
    34:08 Conclusion #2
    35:00 Conclusion #3 Risk Reward


    1. Find me one channel which covers every single macro economic topic in one video with detailed explanation to how it might impact the bitcoin price. You sir are a blessing to this community and I wish you all the health and happiness in the world so that u do not stop.

    2. China makes EVERYTHING that America uses, China has HUGE loan's here in the United States and they own companies and land throughout the country. China also has the inside info on Hunter and the family business 😳 We have a military that is weaker than it has ever been (sorry to all of the veterans, but this is no longer the military that you took honor in ) Other than that I believe that you are right on track James!

    3. How you can say that Putin dont WANT to be blamed for death of millions? Have you ever heard what hes saying? I think he doesnt care. Around 20 millions of russians living in poverty.

      The most famous quote is about nuclear war.
      "They will die, and we will go to heaven"

    4. got a factor in how many of us are frothing at the bit, no pun intended, for more sub 20K Btc. Right now for serious and long-term investors we are at a can't lose point in my opinion, we're going to be excited if it goes lower and buy more, we've already got a stack so as it goes up we're going to still be excited and likely most of us are probably still going to buy more for a while up. Today is a good day to be a hodler, ignored crypto 10 years ago 5 years ago then got on board at the just before the peak the bitcoins last run up from 20 to 70,000, to have these prices come back to this level just thrills me, when do you ever get a second chance like this on a investment or asset?

    5. This is one of the best videos I have seen. I also go the extra mile to respond and engage with subscribers but this is next level. You are rapidly becoming one of my favourite channels/ I would love to talk to you sometime off line or in a stream about Richard Heart's Hex and why it fills me with confidence.

    6. The only miners who will capitulate are those that bought all their rigs and set up shop at the peak…most miners have been mining for a couple years and their rigs have long since paid for themselves. I know some miners whose miners have been on for 5-7 years. They slowly swap out old for new and most of their bitcoin was mined earlier…they have no problems with extended bear markets. They sell coins they had mined at a much lower rate.

    7. Ukraine refuses to agree to any peace deals and the US is sending enough weaponry to keep the conflict lingering. Putin is no angel, but anyone who actually does their homework on this whole debacle knows that this is the result of NATO aggression, and the goal is to turn Ukraine into another Afghanistan to feed the totalitarian military state, and push the great reset via the resultant energy and food shortages. Once these issues hit the west it will also serve to help cover the massive issues caused by the v@x.

    8. The last slide certainly sums it up. Whether the bottom is in or not is nearly irrelevant. Even talking about the low is folly. I vividly recall us never going below 40k, 38k, 32k 30k 28k down to 20k. Fact is no one really knows, these are good buying times, DCA for sure, HODL for sure. We could go lower, for sure. But in 4 years we'll not remember whether we bought at 23k, or 15k.

    9. These are all just general FUDs and presumptions on what should happen. DYOR. The real risk was not in the list and was only mentioned by James in the end. That's China invading Taiwan. And sadly, this risk is not negligible.

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