Oil, gas and mining

German chancellor Olaf Scholz inspects Nord stream turbine, accuses Russia for delaying delivery

German chancellor Olaf Scholz inspected a turbine for the Nord Stream 1 pipeline which has been stuck in transit in Germany. Scholz has accused Russia of blocking the delivery of a key turbine to throttle gas supplies to Europe.

#Germany #OlafScholz #NordStream

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  1. "China, Russia, and other Allies" AGAINST: New World order: {The Plan} = MARTIAL LAW. The 300,000 Troops in NATO Countries are to CONTROL The "Local Population," After they Impose "Martial Law." PELOSI and BIDEN only have "ONE" Chance for Survival: PROVOKE a WAR + DECLARE MARTIAL LAW = MAIL in BALLOTS, to FIX ELECTIONS! "Stay Calm" till AFTER "Elections." THIS is a TRAP! we want PEACE!

  2. I found a new word in my English Dictionary. The word is "Olaf" – Doing something without the intention of solving the actual problem but for the primary purpose of showing others that the fault is not his. EXAMPLE: The chancellor visited the turbine site to show that the turbines are working and the Russians are stopping gas flow not because of turbine issues and it is the Russian's fault hence not his. This did not solve the gas crisis. The chancellor did an "Olaf". 2nd Example: Biden visited Suadi to show his people that he is doing something to try to help his people lower fuel prices even though he is aware the trip is probably useless…. Biden did an "Olaf" for his trip to Saudi…

  3. Canada is currently publicly interviewing the German and Ukrainian ambassadors about the turbine in a parliamentary session. They should have had the Russian ambassador there as well. It sounds as if Germany wanted the turbine returned more than Russia. At the end of the day Canada and Germany come out of this looking like fools. Russia is just playing them as such. What an embarrassment. Why these idiots think they are playing a game of trust with the Russians beggars belief.

  4. Geez did nato just hang own selves with sanction rope they lash Russia with? Come on man , up your professional corruptionist game! This is embarrassing! get turbine there so ya don’t freeze this winter n pray d Russians don’t reject it for installation. !

  5. Israel America and uk will fall together

    bible say so so it will be

    America can't defeat god Jesus will have the last say

    America and allies have turned there back on God and are so sinful today it's about time God humbles the great power once and for all

    America and the Anglo-Saxon time is almost up

    sad but it has to be done

  6. That's what you get when you sanctions Russia, And you should think twice before you impose it and follow US demands that is 1000 miles away USA know Europe is the one gonna suffer most but they don't care because they want to isolate Russia

  7. That's what you get when you sanctions Russia, And you should think twice before you impose it and follow US demands that is 1000 miles away USA know Europe is the one gonna suffer most but they don't care because they want to isolate Russia

  8. That's what you get when you sanctions Russia, And you should think twice before you impose it and follow US demands that is 1000 miles away USA know Europe is the one gonna suffer most but they don't care because they want to isolate Russia

  9. Blackmail ?. Hold on didnt they switch off nord stream 2 ?? . Havnt they sanctioned russia ?? . Wtf are they talking about . Russia we dont care we are fed up working with idiots. It really as simple as that .

  10. Normally we Germans do not need Nordtream 1, because we built in better days with the Russians Nordstream 2. And Nordstream 2 works very well. But our Anglo-American friends and the US-Natostan Vassall-Government decided to close that pipeline. And to their own people, they lie, because we would be in an energy crisis. Bullhit, I repeat bullshit of the free-western-world deep state and his clowns. And Mr. Scholz is one of the greatest clowns, I as a German have to recognize. Mr.Scholz made in his former life, as mayor of Hamburg, big deals with the so-called Warburg bank. A Rothschild – CENTRAL in Germany. And that business was so created that they pay very less tax.

  11. And up to which point the Russians shall give us the gas out of Nordstream 1? Before or after we gave the Kiew-fascists heavy, german weapons. I repeat, Mr.Scholz is one of the biggest clowns on the side of the german. so-called, "Atlantikbrücken-Stricher!"

  12. How can anyone find against Russia when the EUssr have put sanctions in place. They want their cake and eat it. Maybe if they stopped supplying the Ukraine with their support and weapons, then the Russians might sell them gas.

  13. I couldn't help to see comedy in this nasty war. Here is my take….

    Scholz to Siemens:
    "Greeting…any good news? Now that the turbine is back in Deutschland, what is holding the Russians from getting it installed? I want that done so that things will get back to normal again."

    "Well…Herr Scholz…we have a problem. Now the bloody Russia doesn't want it back."

    "But why???? I thought it is fully serviced and ready to go? The Russians can't do this to me. I went through hell, I walked on hot coals, I threatened Canada, I broke the very sanction I imposed, just to get this cursed thing back. And now Russia doesn't want it? What excuses have they got now?"

    "Herr Scholz…it is complicated. I am only a bloody technician, and I don't know nor understand politics, but I believe that Russia is sanctioning Deutschland now. They now claimed the turbine's paper work isn't in order. I am just as upset as you are, Herr Scholz. We deutsche Leute are well known for precision and are hot on paper work. Now the Russians are going one up on us. They are bitching about the paper work. Cheeky bastards they are!"

    Scholz to his staffers:
    "Can you set up a call to Putin please? I want to talk to him and give him an earful of what I think of him."

    Scholz Staffers:
    "Herr Scholz…It is impossible now. Putin won't pick up the phone. Apparently the paper work for his phone that was in the repair shop is not in order. So he has no phone."

    Scholz now finds out that his sanctions do work as intended.

  14. Russia hasn't completely cut off energy supply to Europe yet. It is being nice enough already, considering how Europe wanted to force Russia to unilaterally withdraw from Ukraine by strangling its economy. The collective West slapped sanction after sanction on Russia without thinking about the potential consequences. The West thought that the whole world would join them in sanctioning Russia. The energy crisis in Europe is just another example of how the West has dug itself into a catch-22 situation in the Ukraine matter. Few countries will feel sympathetic for Europe if it really ends up having to ration energy during the winter. It is now completely on Russia how much it wants to help the enemies who once wanted to suffocate its economy.

    The No.1 oil production country is neither Saudi Arabi nor Russia, but Europe's best friend the United States. The U.S. has the capacity to pump more oil to help Europe survive the winter. However, it is not willing to do so for strategic reasons. The oil companies are profiting from the record-high oil prices. They would not voluntarily increase their output to hurt the bottom line (of their income statement). So, why should Russia help Europe when even Europe's best friend U.S. is unwilling to help?!!

  15. Das russische Unternehmen nannte nur zwei, aber sehr wichtige Faktoren, warum die Turbinen, die im Kanal planmäßig repariert wurden, bisher noch nicht in Russland angekommen sind.


    Die Lieferung einer Turbine für die Gaspipeline Nord Stream nach Reparatur von Kanada nach Deutschland ist nicht vertragsgemäß.

    Gemäß den Vertragsbedingungen muss Gazprom die reparierten Einheiten in Kanada direkt von dem Werk, das die Servicearbeiten durchgeführt hat, sozusagen „von Hand zu Hand“ übernehmen, und nicht durch irgendwelche Schichten und Dichtungen in anderen Teilen der Welt.

    In einfachen Worten werde ich erklären, warum diese Bedingung wichtig ist.

    Ein Verstoß gegen dieses Gesetz berechtigt Siemens förmlich zum Verzicht auf die Gewährleistung bei vorzeitigem Geräteausfall. Aber das ist die halbe Miete. Die Verletzung der Lieferbedingungen gibt dem deutschen Konzern rechtliche Möglichkeiten, sich im Falle eines Unfalls, der auf das Verschulden ausgefallener Turbinen zurückzuführen ist, von der Haftung zu befreien.


    Gazprom berichtete, dass Siemens nicht mehr als ein Viertel der Störungen an den Nord-Stream-Turbinen behoben habe.

    Bei Inspektionen von Gasturbinentriebwerken in den vergangenen zwei Monaten haben Experten den Ausfall von Widerstandstemperatursensoren und Lagertemperatursensoren, Ölleckagen am Triebwerk sowie Schäden an mehreren Verdichterschaufeln und andere Fehlfunktionen entdeckt.

    Siemens hat nicht mehr als vier festgestellte Mängel behoben. Ab fünfzehn.

    Zur Bestätigung veröffentlichte das russische Unternehmen einen Teil der Korrespondenz mit Siemens. Die Gründe der russischen Gasarbeiter sind durchaus berechtigt – wie können Sie fehlerhafte Geräte akzeptieren?

    Und dies ist eine sehr leistungsstarke Ausrüstung mit relativ kleinen Abmessungen, jede von ihnen hat eine Leistung von 90.000 PS, d.h. ungefähr 15 Diesellokomotiven, die 100-Wagen-beladene Züge befördern können. Insgesamt gibt es sechs solcher großen Turbinen. Auch hier überlegen.

  16. um grüne Energie zu erhalten, müssen Sie mehr Gras vom Rasen essen, es ist grün, es hat viel Energie darin🤣🤣🤣🤣☘️🌱🍀🏞️

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