Binance.US has decided to delist the AMP token “out of an abundance of caution” after the SEC recently alleged AMP was a security in its insider trading case against an ex-Coinbase employee and two associates, according to a Binance company blog post on Monday. Binance.US said the trading of AMP may resume in the future on its platform, but noted that “we are taking this step now until more clarity exists around the classification of AMP.” With 25 other tokens potentially hinted at being securities by the SEC, are we about to see mass delisting’s of tokens across various U.S. exchanges?

    #crypto #AMP #cryptocurrency
    ~Binance US Delists $AMP | Mass Token Delisting’s Incoming???~
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    1. It's all an excuse to attack crypto. If they are worried about dollars leaving the economy into crypto, they can just add regulations on the transfer from dollars to crypto/stable coins and done.

    2. If your favorite hyped up speculative platform isn't actively being adopted by banks, governments, institutions and the business world, it's going to zero. That narrows the list of winning platforms down to Bitcoin, Ethereum, Stellar and Ripple. Everything else is going to zero, yes that includes Cardano, Theta and Vechain, all of which have always been hyped up nothing.

    3. I put 1k into amp back when it was .05 because of its development team and use case, i.e., rail for payment, Now I'm looking at buying more amp. Reason: even the SEC can't "do stupid" indefinitely. Same thing with xrp. Good team. Compelling use. Time will come, perhaps soon, when the SEC has to f***, fight or hold the light. When that happens, the rails will pop. In the meantime, it's not surprising that legacy finance is trying to undermine development of the rails … starting with exchanges. Gensler was CFO for Hillary's failed campaign. You don't need to know much else. Both are about to become ghosts.

    4. I would love to see a deep rive into RXD Radix its a relatively new defi layer 1 they are holding up pritty well in this bear market and meeting targets i think this could do well in this cycle

    5. I've had high hopes for Powr since 2020. Seems like a legit project with crazy utility that could be utilized worldwide but stepping on the toes of the energy and banking sectors at the same time could be too beneficial for the common man!

    6. Gary is simply running interference for the banking industry.
      He doesn't give a sh!t about fairness and ethics..

    7. Great video< and some nice tips! This is a
      scary time for new investors but the best thing
      you can do is not to make decisions based on
      emotions. This could actually be a good time
      to buy more of your high conviction stocks or
      crypto on a discount. Wealth is created during
      bear markets, not bull markets. If your portfolio
      is really effecting your mental health then delete
      the app and go for a walk. Let the market do
      its thing and have a long time horizon. I buy
      and just trade long term more than ever, I have
      made over 16' bte from day trading with Travon
      Braswell Crypto in few weeks this is one of the
      best medium to backup your assets incase it
      goes bearish

    8. Brought more Amp and the SEC will be eliminated by November or sooner that building is shutdown your watching a TV show and it's almost over and those without xrp and those so called security coins will be shit faced by year end

    9. could you do an interview with „Ivan on tech“? He is the head of Moralis and a big brain. would love to see you two talking about some topics

    10. With crypto, i like to think about if the coin has actual utility that generates its own income and isnt just pumping from new capital comming in.

      I like Acquirefi ($ACQ) because it will share its profits from the market place directly with holders. I don't see any other coin doing that. 🚀🖤

    11. Binance is no longer relevant. Often there is blocking of users, trading limits, verification. All this is not on the cryptocurrency exchange crp is

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