Silver is very different than gold, and you should only be investing in it for specific reasons and not just because it is cheaper. While gold is around $1,800 today and silver is $20 an ounce, it is tempting to buy more silver thinking it will perform the same as gold. But this isn’t the case, the relationship between them is decoupling even though they are both historic precious metals. Here’s what you must know!

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    โœ… Timestamps & Chapters:
    0:00 Silver Is Not The Same As Gold
    2:20 Understand This About Silver
    4:46 The Truth About The Gold Silver Ratio
    6:25 Silver Reacts Differently During A Crisis
    8:11 Silver’s Incredible Upside
    9:55 Will Silver Come Back As Money?

    Subscribe to my channel where we dive deeper into the world of gold, silver & investing:
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    Helpful videos for gold investing:
    – Start With Silver Or Go Straight For Gold?:
    – How Much Gold To Own:
    – How High Can Gold Prices Go:

    Learn how to buy physical gold:

    Here’s how to buy physical silver:

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    The information presented on this channel is for news, education, and entertainment purposes only. The information does not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any investment product(s) or investment strategies, or a substitute for professional investment advice. It does not take into account your specific investment objectives, financial situation or needs. I am not a financial advisor or a licensed investment professional. Please consult with your financial advisor before following any investment strategies discussed herein.


    1. Another video were a smart guy(I admit) talking paper price again. The GSR doesnโ€™t exist in the physical world. Buy a 1 oz gold coin and a 1oz silver coin and show me were you get a GSR close to 80? People have to stop acting like sheep and think for themselves. People will realize that things are not like they are told!

    2. I don't disagree.. Unless the silver in the ground is depleted and it's value increases .. (Probably not in our life time) .. Thanks again

    3. Silver is still a monetary precious metal. Yes, silver has industrial value, so does gold, but the other common property gold and silver share is they are both bashed down to artificially prop up the USA dollar. This has allowed regular folks to buy gold and silver. I think if silver wasnโ€™t manipulated so much, silver would be $250 and gold would be $12 000. But the reality we live in of manipulated gold and silver has kept the price down for us stackers. Gold and silver will rise eventually, but I caution myself and others not to be hypocrites when stacking and think gold and silver should only rise once u get your stack big enough.

    4. i can't agree with your premise that gold has a better long term future than silver…while at the same time you claim silver has an industrial component with a bright green future. Gold's main use is a hedge against fiat disaster. there is no need for banks to hold 2 precious metals to buffer fiat inflation. silver is super manipulated paper vs physical. what other commodity has 30 – 60% premiums paper vs physical. not gold. nothing else on earth frankly. Silver really is a 2 tier wager, one on its future industrial demand, which miners will be hard to keep up with. & second silver backers wager the paper manipulation will eventually crumble as india just started a new metals exchange, a BRICs currency is coming, & eventually physical shortages will break the comex manipulaton.

    5. You're the first person to make me reconsider that viewpoint ("silver is just cheap gold"), and I'm much more interested in gold now.
      I think of silver like an emergency bartering tool. Once you have so much of it, any further savings would be better placed in gold—which is more like an emergency savings tool.

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