#InflationReductionAct #Tesla #bitcoin #Inflation #Medicare #MoneyPrinting
    The opinions expressed in the video are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual or on any specific security or investment product. It is only intended to provide education about the financial industry.
    0:00 The Story – Inflation Reduction Act Explained
    1:03 Good News – Govt Found A Silver Bullet
    1:20 The Good Inflation Reduction Act Pros
    2:54 Pete B – Lower Sticker Price for EV’s
    3:30 This will be a boon for Tesla
    3:40 Good for Tesla – Tesla Cars That will Fall Under the Act
    4:$5 The Bad
    4:50 Inflation Reduction Act
    5:30 #InflationReductionAct – Not a CO2 Bullet Either
    6:03 New Inflation Reduction Act #JIT Just in Time – NOT
    6:30 After Nov GOP Takes Control – Vote it out in 2024
    7:04 Inflation Reduction Act Cons
    7:35 Does Not Help Struggling Americans
    8:07 The Ugly
    8:20 Econ. Impact: 2022-2026 Increase Deficit by 25bn
    8:47 Inflation Reduction Package – incl 87K new IRS
    9:02 Doubling the size of the IRS
    9:51 IRS Math – Inflation Reduction Act Cost – 1 Example
    Cost is over $2 Trillion
    11:10 Oh and Politicians are Paid by Big Pharma
    11:30 The Inflation Reduction Act is a Skinnied down BBB
    12:00 Money Printing Will Continue…. Inflation Creation Act
    12:34 And Cue Milton Friedman
    12:52 Money Printing Helps Bitcoin –


    1. I always thought Laisser-faire capitalism and competition brought down costs and prices. Now I know it’s government spending, learn something new everyday on this channel.

    2. Hard to imagine savings when a new government could come in start a new initiative like war or launch a new social program. It is like shifting sand when you are trying to reduce deficit. The only way out is hyper growth through new technologies or stop spending.

    3. The IRS will now have more agents than the pentagon, fbi, and border patrol combined. Wonder who all those agents are gonna go after? There are only 1.8 Million people in the one percent so are they just gonna everyone in it? Also EV's are a pipe dream we don't have a power grid that can support everyone driving an EV. They require 3x the amount of energy to charge then a houses AC. The only way you can get that power cleanly is nuclear and we decommissioning most of those so we'll probably have to build more coal plants and other energy dense power plants or we could use slave labor in Africa and create toxic batteries and hazardous waste while strip mining for rare earth minerals for solar and wind panels and toxic batteries.

    4. No James. The vaccines are so popular because they work. If they where popular because of the big pharma…. Then all those Republicans that you love will also be supported as they also cash the check. But now all those Republicans you love hate health care and hate veterans that's why they voted against helping them. Damn James no I'm definitely rethinking my patreon spot. Anyone want it?

    5. Love the point on pharma influencing policy- citizens have way too much trust in the government without connecting the dots to monetary incentives and who benefits. Like you always say – Follow the Money

    6. Love your content, but holy shit, that prescription drug pie chart is cynical as hell. Numbers may be all you need for investing, but in this case, I think you're leaving out a lot of important information.

    7. Pushing prescriptions drugs prices down sounds like a great plan. The only part of that legislation that might benefit the low income relatively quickly. It’s not just about the cost, it’s access to medication. Wouldn’t there be an economic benefit in improved health outcomes, not to mention the obvious moral/ethical components? The IRS news is probably inevitable and I bet we see similar tax grab action in much of the disfunctional Western economies.

    8. Medicare WAY overpays for drugs. The amount they pay for drugs in the past 10years has gone parabolic. While this won’t help the individual on Medicare, it will help Medicare overall to lower the cost of meds. And whatever Medicare does, the insurance companies follow. If all the things in this bill, this is the best provision (of a badly named bill)

    9. Love your work James, have followed your channel for a long time now. I own an automotive business & can safely say I'm an expert in wheels, tyres, brakes & suspension, all of the things Tesla's also have & they most certainly all wear out just the same as an ICE powered vehicle, infact Tesla's are harder on tyres due to the extremely high torque & are best operated km Michelin or close to which are very costly tyres compared with some options! Telling your audience "no cost to run" needs to be clarified or highlighted that you will most certainly be wearing out brakes, tyres, suspension & the wheels with every mile traveled!

    10. The EV credit also has to have a lot of the battery made in the US and that is currently not possible as i understand it making the credit mostly unobtanium.

    11. The way the Democrats have Weaponized the IRS… And really all the major government agencies… It’s just criminal – and the fact that the Republicans do nothing, about it even when they’re in power ,just indicates that it might be time to get out and get to a country that’s not so infected with leftist mind-rot.

    12. Lower drug costs are great but why don't they concentrate more on prevention instead of treatment. Obesity is RAMPANT.

    13. Hi James, the level of their incompetence is ridiculous, lets squeeze the low earning people and give them free vaccines to make their life better….Thanks to bring this info out, financial freedom make more and more sense.😁

    14. Curious…how a piece of paper passed by a tyrannical government such as ours…can FORCE down the cost of anything…let alone cars, medicare costs, etc. Curious indeed.

      I honestly don't see this doing what it says it's going to do…
      Green tech isn't green at all.

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