Questions on Protecting Your Wealth with Gold & Silver?
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    ❓ Viewer Questions:
    Question 1: 1:56
    If I store $10k in cash in a brokerage at TD Ameritrade is that subject to bail-ins like a bank?

    Question 2: 5:17
    I have liquidated all assets and transferred them into physical gold. I am wondering should I purchase a “bug out” property or continue to hold the gold? I don’t have the resources to do both.

    Question 3: 10:08
    What are you going to do when our country goes to CBDC? Will our paper money still be usable?

    Question 4: 14:29
    Should I buy gold now or wait for the price to drop again?

    Question 5: 19:38
    How will HYPER INFLATION happen in America?

    Question 6: 20:41
    How high can gold go in terms of dollars when the currency reset happens?

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    If you want to know what to actually DO about all of this, that’s what we specialize in at ITM Trading. How do you protect your wealth for the next collapse and complete financial reset?

    Yes Gold and Silver, but what types, what dates? How much of each? What strategy? And what long-term plan?

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    By ITM Trading’s Lynette Zang

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    #questionanswer #livestream #gold


    1. Like they've always said… an ounce of gold will buy you a very nice suit. Whether it be a knight's armor, a suit in the 1920s or today.

    2. Finally fiured out that Scottsdale would be the LAST place to try and survive. ? No water, no energy. Wrong state. At some point that salary has to go so you are much more safe.

    3. I, personally, would Not leave any money in a brokerage account or bank. If someone has enough other money so it won't cause financial problems if they loose it all, then go ahead. In my case I cannot afford to lose $10000 without having financial problems. Therefore, I will not leave Any money in brokerage account or bank (other than to pay bills)

    4. I don't agree with the public's opinion that we are "automatically" to into a Central System. So these people are Giving Up their Freedoms Without even trying to avoid a world-wide Centralized System… privacy, no buying what you want to, everyone having the same amount of money no matter what you had before the shift to Centralization, etc etc, etc.
      There is More Going On besides simply a financial system change.
      Please research Agenda 21 of the United Nations….which is planning on being the World Government will exactly One country. All other countries are planned to End. Read Agenda 21 on your own. You don't need to believe me. LOOK for Yourself.

    5. How could rent be limited to 2%?? Or to whatever? That would be unconstitutional, and only happening in the blue Marxist states, just as before during the plannedemic. Not allowed in FL. And even then, the SCOTUS ruled that the CDC has no authority to mandate non-eviction and rent control, which legislators in red states already knew. Blue states just love to have that boot stomp on their necks.

    6. I have not heard anyone mention the principal of renting an apartment in an urban area and own a retreat in a "bugout" area. I read about this years ago in Europe and in Russia they are called a "dacha". Thoughts?

    7. We've been in a recession since 2008. It was papered over by QE. 2019-2020 is when the depression began. People and economists won't realize this until 3-5 years from now. People and economists don't know when they are currently in a depression or have been in one, until they look back on history.
      Regarding Rates:
      Everyone has been conditioned and programmed to think the Fed will, like always, cut rates and go back to QE. They always could. However, they don't call it the Great Reset for no reason. They are raising rates to purposely implode everything. It's not due to stupidity or incompetence. This could be a head fake, sure. In my opinion though, the game of easy times, QE and the original playbook everyone is accustomed too, has ended, but nobody wants to accept that. They think the old game is still in play. The plug is being pulled. That should be obvious, somehow it's not. Everything is being reset. "They can't raise rates it will collapse the markets/economy etc". Yes, that's the plan. Hence, the Great Reset. The old game has ended. Raising rates in a depression, 97 food plants destroyed, gov paying farmers not to plant or grow and get rid of their cattle. Fuel issues, fertilizer issues, record heat from Geoengineering, collapsing markets/wealth. As Catherine Austin Fitts says, this isn't a turn down, it's a take down. This is war, this is siege, the old game has ended. You're in the new world order, you're in the great reset. There is no going back to normal.

      Footnote: The Fed is still engaging in QE currently. It is just less than before and each time they currently do QE it isn't increasing each time they do it. When I say 'go back to QE' it means each time they do QE, it must be more than the last time they did it. Ever increasing QE, more than the last QE, is what gives the artificial "growth" or "expansion". This is of course illusionary/artificial economic "growth" or "expansion" that doesn't actually exist and helps to uphold the false "healthy strong economy" talk and manipulated economic "figures/numbers". QE must be ever increasing. Each time QE is done, it must be more than the last round of QE.

      Just my two cents…

    8. one of he conspiracy CBDC proposals I've read is that usage and privileges based on Social/carbon credit score will put people into three categories: Sovereign, commoner and restricted. Those in the last two categories will not be able to invest or exchange anything into CBDC.

    9. All of the economic analysts have already explained that Biden's Marxist cash grab for the criminal elite that was just passed ("inflation reduction act") is going to squeeze the lower and middle class to death. Raising prices passed to consumers through manufacturers' higher taxes, big $$$ wasted on phony green environmental efforts, huge new taxes on oil, and doubling the size of the IRS to audit the lower and middle classes to squeeze any last dime out of them!!

    10. Lynette what if there is a period where you are able to convert all your gold into cbdc's and after that period it can no longer be converted, and potentially becomes illegal to own after that exchange period?

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