$5K gold and $300 silver make sense, says Peter Krauth, author of “The Great Silver Bull.”

    Krauth spoke with David Lin, Anchor and Producer at Kitco News, at the PDAC Convention in Toronto.

    Follow David Lin on Twitter: @davidlin_TV (https://twitter.com/davidlin_TV)
    Follow Kitco News on Twitter: @KitcoNewsNOW (https://twitter.com/KitcoNewsNOW)
    Follow Peter Krauth on Twitter: @peter_krauth (https://twitter.com/peter_krauth)

    0:00 – Is $300 silver reasonable?
    9:04 – $5K gold thesis
    13:47 – Short term silver predictions
    16:02 – Silver price floor
    18:23 – History of silver
    22:12 – Is silver used as money?
    24:10 – Crypto vs. precious metals

    #silver #gold #inflation
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    1. I'm a silver bull but at 14:30 this guy makes a childish mistake;

      – he's just said that silver usage is going up by ~12-13%/year in solar applications and then quotes another estimate that ENERGY OUTPUT from solar 8 years from now will be 8.5 times current levels. He then wrongly concludes that this must mean that 8 years from now, solar silver usage PER YEAR will be 8x higher than today – completely missing the more obvious reason for the higher future energy output being that even at current usage levels there will be 8x more panels because 8 years have passed.

    2. It allows them to print as much as they want cuz it's not backed by anything as a matter of fact it was printed because people are accepting paper money because it wasn't guaranteed so it was actually a guaranteed dollar

    3. Actually, high silver is not too much of a problem. At the moment full EVs use about 50g of silver. At today's price 38 USD. If it goes up to 300 USD then you have 534 USD for the 1.78 Oz's used in production. So, 496 USD increase. The manufacturer will simply higher the price by 500 USD. This is easy when your car is usually 30,000 – 100,000 USD. The average price is around 66,000. So, not too much of a problem at all. Also, it goes as low as 32 grams, this makes the cost even easier to absorb.

    4. Always love how David interviews his guests,polite but to the point and doesn’t suffer fools lightly, keep up the great work David one of the best and informative shows out there 👏👏👏

    5. By the time silver hits 300, dollar will worth next to nothing. The strength of dollar at the moment is one of the causes that the metal price is not seeing more sunlight.

    6. I hold a lot of silver and gold, but it's funny how those that write books or comment on PM' are always bullish, those that are involved in crypto's are always bullish (at least long term) on crypto's, those that comment on equities are always bullish….

    7. Digital gives absolute control of your money to whatever authority maintains the books. Don’t like the current administration? No soup for you!

    8. Silver was being manipulated by the Hunt Brothers in the 70's 80's. It came down once they were busted why does no one ever mention that little fact.

    9. Dont fall for the "buy and hold" strategy on Silver any longer. The price of silver has went DOWN in recent years. And inflation has been going UP, so virtually everybody lost. In the meantine, people have been making an absolute killin' in the sports card market.

      $$$$$ – Always on the lookout for 2020-21 Mosaic Lamelo Ball Rookie RC Cards & NBA Debut. Whether they are Silver Prizm, Silver Mosaic, Gold Wave, Genisis, Reactive Yellow, Reactive Orange, or even base…I'm buying them all!!! This kid will be the next Jordan in 10 years – REAL TALK!!. Investment opportunity of a lifetime!!! Mosaic are grading superior to every other Chrome cartd such as Prizm, Select, Spectra, Optic etc. Much better centering, less factory defects. – $$$$$

    10. Just a question…… why, when talking about gold/silver ratio, is it assumed that silver is under valued and not that gold is overvalued? Seems more likely gold hits $1000 an oz. Than silver hitting $300.

    11. Disappointed in his answer for his 300 USD/oz valuation. He basically said that some other trader values gold for 5000 USD/oz, to then convert it into silver price with a direct gold silver ratio … Hope his book has better explanations.

    12. So gold goes to $8000 is it gonna have $8000 worth the purchasing power or is it gonna be the same purchasing power today but only 8 years from now

    13. I saw silver a few years ago at $33 per oz now its barely $20 per oz. Everyone said it would hit $100 but it keeps dropping. So today's price is $20 per oz but you can't find it for less than $25 plus fees. If mkt price is $20 I'll give you $20 maybe $21 but not 25% more than its worth.

    14. We have heard talking heads saying the exact same things, reasons…. for many, many years. It’s always wait, it will be 5 – 10 years. Ten years ago it was wait 5 – 10 years. These “experts” can predict anything with absolutely NO accountability.

    15. No one can predict the price of anything in the future. One may guess, based on research, but still it's just an educated guess. Sure silver may be at $300 in the future. It may also be at $10. Only time will tell us.

    16. Absolute bullshit. Silver may be regarded as a “precious” metal, but it’s most notable as an INDUSTRIAL metal. And it’s only a consequential metal of the mining process. $300 silver would cripple electronics manufacturing. It WON’T happen.

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