Why Northern Sea Is the Best Alternative For Suez Canal, And can make Russia Superpower Again…

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    Due to last year’s Ever Given incident in Suez canal, Whole world has now started thinking Alternative for Suez Canal. Suez canal has been the shortest like between Asia And Europe since decades. But dew to climatic changes Now various routes are coming out in Artic ocean, but the most prominent one is Northern Sea Route. watch the complete video know how northern sea route is better than Suez canal and what are it’s drawbacks and how will it make Russia a Superpower again….


    1. Indian expert telling us about the great Russian empire )) Putins Olgino trolls never stop to astonish the world with disinformation and non realistic fantasies )) Step one: Russia are running out of customers. Step two: no investments will be put into that as long as neofascism prevails in the Kremlin. Elementary, dear Watson

    2. U cannot sanction a nation. That is older then the USA! Hihihihihihihi…….1000. Year old. A blazing nation…bigger then the USA. Hihihihihihi

    3. Russia is superpower as it is right now mate… Just look what is going on atm with the west sanctioning them without Russia even retaliate that much yet

    4. Russia just wants to take Sicily so they can control The Mediteranean and North African Territories and restore Constantinople as a Soviet World Powers

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