After more than two whole years, we are finally making HUGE progress on the VoskCoin solar powered crypto mining farm! But – why am I even building it?! Some people think it’s too late to start mining Bitcoin… Isn’t it better to just buy crypto and chill? Subscribe!

    Get up to $250 for free when you sign up with BlockFi –
    Watch the full journey building out my mining farm here (playlist) –

    Over the course of six years, my journey into cryptocurrency and crypto mining has changed my life forever. From mining in my garage, to now building out a solar-powered mining farm across 100 Acres, I’ve had the opportunity to learn many things about building passive income with mining. One question that almost everybody has, though, is “why?” Why am I going to such extreme lengths to build a mining farm, when I could just buy the coins and relax? Today, I’ll take you through my entire thought process, reasoning and motivation behind spending so much time and money on crypto mining. If done correctly, mining Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies can change your life forever – but I’ve also made some expensive mistakes along the way that you can avoid by learning from me!

    Have some input on the Mining Shed and Solar Farm?
    My most recent mining farm update –
    My plans for electricity within my crypto mining shed –

    ⏰ Timestamps ⏰
    00:00 My crypto mining farm journey!
    02:26 How the mining farm began
    05:27 Process of building our 100 Acre mining farm
    08:54 Racing the Bitcoin Supra!
    10:37 Buy Bitcoin or build a mining farm?
    15:35 Your own money printer?!
    17:12 Boosting income with crypto mining
    19:16 Why I’m building my crypto mining farm

    Follow us on our official social media accounts –

    VoskCoin is for entertainment purposes only and is never intended to be financial investment advice. VoskCoin owns or has owned cryptocurrency and associated hardware. VoskCoin may receive donations or sponsorships in association with certain content creation. VoskCoin may receive compensation when affiliate/referral links are used. VoskCoin is home of the Doge Dad, VoskCoin is not your Dad, and thus VoskCoin is never liable for any decisions you make.

    #VoskCoin #crypto #mining #solarmining #solar #bitcoin #btc #cryptomining #miningfarm #asicmining #solarpower #cryptocurrency


    1. Well we have the solar in now. We're just waiting on the electric company to come by and do their part, everything else is in place now.

      Figured I'd give you guys an update.

      George Davis

    2. Just buy a skid steer if you got all this property it will pay for itself in the long run you can have 20 different attachments

    3. I will not sell when it is listed, I see 10 dollars at this rate, I bought it for 20 cents, I go through the money

    4. With the backwardness of our economy, increment in the price of gas, alarming rates of unemployment.i must confess our country have taken a wrong turns.vividly I don't know how else to carter for my expenses

    5. PLEASE DO NOT RELEASE HOGS INTO THE WILD! Feral hogs are a huge threat to the environment, farms, and livestock alike. They are ill tempered, dangerous to humans and pets and breed very fast. They also destroy millions of dollars in crops and livestock. That is why it's always open season on them and no license is required to hunt them in most states. It my even be illegal to release them where you live.

    6. At minute 7:25 I want to save you 30k to 50k on internet setup :
      I have no idea how far it’s from your home to your shed , however you can get one starlink in your shed and then run an Ethernet cable all the way to your home , boom, I saved you 50k dollars my friend (you will have to run like a protective pipe so animals don’t bite the Ethernet cable at night while you are watching netflix 🙂

    7. V. Don't over think it. Don't be building infrastructure that you will never break even.
      Go to the "Already" built areas! Build only for your house miners, but the business is another .50 cents!!!
      Reach out if you want to talk.

    8. i like it all, except for the IRS… they took money for years and years from my parents, our family, and put it into projects like which funded virus research which created covid19.. well, my mom passed away from covid19 and the IRS wants a big % of her 401K that she earned to fund more of who knows what… fuck them

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