Europe promised to lead the world on climate change. It lectured developing nations for relying on coal. Now the same Europe is conveniently buying coal and restarting coal-fired power plants. What happened to its climate goals? Can it still preach others? Palki Sharma exposes Europe’s hypocrisy.

    #GravitasPlus #PalkiSharma #Europe

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    1. with all respect all this fugets are bulheet..the should by hang or shooth on the site for killing our live.yhere is the plan to kill us all

    2. Until the world figures out efficient cost effective energy they must go slow. Crazy to think these governments would allow anyone to die of heat or cold. Right now many governments are rationing by price which makes it very hard for the disadvantaged. We have bright minds working on these issues but it isn't going to happen overnight.

    3. Yes, one can hardly not read about such inconsistencies in the European or American media. One can also not read about pacifist groups united with arms dealers sending weapons to a major war zone and cheering on the war almost daily. One could not read about how the pandemic lock-downs devastated large parts of the world, demoralized millions and destroyed diplomatic ways to avert wars, and moved democratic states closer to dictatorships. One can also not read about a class war against working folks like farmers or truckers. We used to have decent folks rallying for emission free energy, for peace, for freedom and for equality. "Coal, war, control and greed" have replaced these principles. What is surprising is that the main media in the west are mostly in line with governments and companies profiting from a new world order, where a few dominate the narrative and dissent is shouted down or filtered away. I really appreciate the possibility to hear some clearer voices like this channel which at least address the hypocrisy.

    4. Is that criminal Schwab paying for all this? Or the idiots that follow his personal greed ambitions?
      Edit: Are all your European "leaders" morons, or complicit in this evil plan?

    5. In Poland we are angry that EU was forcing us to shutdown coal production. It was huge part of our economy and energy independence and now it is ruined. I think that we have to import expensive energy from the west at this moment. This is damn colonialism 2.0, but still better than comunism.

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