
Dream confirmation about SHIBA INU | God confirmation | Wealth Transfer | Cryptocurrency Stellar?

I had this dream about shiba inu on 5th of May last year (2021). I didn’t quite understand it until today. I had my AHA moment. GUYS! We were climbing a financial mountain using ropes, helmets. We had an entire equipment to do it. I saw that last step when we reached the pinnacle of the mountain. Everyone was watching. Right afterwards, when I was in that car, I didn’t even realized that something had shifted. But it happened overnight. I suddenly saw myself on that billboard, and because it was so sudden, someone had to point it out and say, LOOK! That’s you. The name of the woman is “Gerti” and it means strength of a spear. This brings to my mind the bible verse with God’s word is like a double edged sword. However, she was running the show. She was the moderator.

I wanted to add this info to the video, and point out that in the dream it had happened suddenly. The news didn’t even reach me. I wrote in my notes: it had happened exactly as the Lord had said it. Another thing that is important to notice! Not everyone is part of the blessing you’ll get. The Lord highlighted to me that there will be a LOT of jealous people. I never give a darn about jealous people, but I think that if the Lord showed it to me, it may be important to consider that people will try to deceive you and steal from you, because they are operating in a spirit of jealousy. The wealth transfer is not just for you. We already know that. But it’s also not for everyone. Let the Lord guide you. Pray for wisdom!

Keep in mind that the Lord gave me this dream while I wasn’t into cryptocurrency. He always uses symbols to speak to us in dreams. Now that I know the meaning, I didn’t dream about it because I was thinking about cryptocurrency. Some dreams may be because you’re thinking about it, and some are given to you by the Lord using symbols, so that when He reveals to you what it is, you have certainty about it.

Again, concerning stellar, I need further confirmation and I’m praying about it. I want to be sure about it. I feel there is more that God wants to share with me, and until I don’t see the full picture, or at least the pieces that I need, I’m not 100% sure about it.

The age of solomon, meaning wealth and wisdom is right in front of us. Let’s walk boldly into that season.

(Just a side info: I had never seen a shooting start before the 12th of July. This was the only time.)

God did not tell me the exact day, nor the amount it will go up to! I didn’t have that revelation.

I’m not a financial advisor, I’m just telling you what I hear the Father saying. So please consult with the Lord before doing any investments.

#ShibaInu #GodConfirmation #PropheticWord #Shib #Dream #DreamConfirmation #WealthTransfer

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  1. I had this dream about shiba inu on 5th of May last year (2021). I didn't quite understand it until today. I had my AHA moment. GUYS! We were climbing a financial mountain using ropes, helmets. We had an entire equipment to do it. I saw that last step when we reached the pinnacle of the mountain. Everyone was watching. Right afterwards, when I was in that car, I didn't even realized that something had shifted. But it happened overnight. I suddenly saw myself on that billboard, and because it was so sudden, someone had to point it out and say, LOOK! That's you. The name of the woman is "Gerti" and it means strength of a spear. This brings to my mind the bible verse with God's word is like a double edged sword. However, she was running the show. She was the moderator.

    I wanted to add this info to the video, and point out that in the dream it had happened suddenly. The news didn't even reach me. I wrote in my notes: it had happened exactly as the Lord had said it. Another thing that is important to notice! Not everyone is part of the blessing you'll get. The Lord highlighted to me that there will be a LOT of jealous people. I never give a darn about jealous people, but I think that if the Lord showed it to me, it may be important to consider that people will try to deceive you and steal from you, because they are operating in a spirit of jealousy. The wealth transfer is not just for you. We already know that. But it's also not for everyone. Let the Lord guide you. Pray for wisdom!

    Keep in mind that the Lord gave me this dream while I wasn't into cryptocurrency. He always uses symbols to speak to us in dreams. Now that I know the meaning, I didn't dream about it because I was thinking about cryptocurrency. Some dreams may be because you're thinking about it, and some are given to you by the Lord using symbols, so that when He reveals to you what it is, you have certainty about it.

    Again, concerning stellar, I need further confirmation and I'm praying about it. I want to be sure about it. I feel there is more that God wants to share with me, and until I don't see the full picture, or at least the pieces that I need, I'm not 100% sure about it.

    The age of solomon, meaning wealth and wisdom is right in front of us. Let's walk boldly into that season.

    (Just a side info: I had never seen a shooting start before the 12th of July. This was the only time.)

    God did not tell me the exact day, nor the amount it will go up to! I didn't have that revelation.

    I'm not a financial advisor, I'm just telling you what I hear the Father saying. So please consult with the Lord before doing any investments.

  2. Mam
    Shall I trust you or not but many prophets are saying the same ,I trust Jesus and mother Mary , hope shiba inu make me wealthy to be a phelontrophist

  3. all you so called prophets and belivers in this "prophetic word" have to stop lying, your using gods name to lie to his people wether you know it or not. wether it is your intention or not. God did not say anything about wealth transfers. quick easy money scheme in the name of god have been happening since the beginning of time. when this dosent come to pass, all you will know god wasn't in this "prophecy. I pray you humble yourself and dont blame god.

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