The Ethereum Merge may constitute a taxable event if it results in a chain-splitting hard fork, tax experts warn. There is a chance that The Merge will result in a contentious hard fork, which will cause ETH holders to receive duplicate units of hard-forked Ethereum tokens, similar to what happened when the Ethereum and Ethereum Classic hard fork occurred in 2016. Meanwhile, is there a chance the IRS might give crypto traders some sort of tax break?

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    ~Ethereum Merge a Taxable Event!? | IRS Crypto Tax Hunt Coming Jan 1st~
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    1. I see it's gonna take another revolution to keep the criminal government from robbing the people pretty much like monarchs did for centuries. Taxes should have to be well justified and make sense, otherwise might as well call it what it is, extortion.

    2. Coinbase since 2017 but moved to FTX… CB fees way too high, they will get the message as FTX takes them over in volume and users

    3. I’m not surprised CA population shows the most interest in BTC and ETH. It’s a huge state with a lot of money.

    4. Im not well versed in forks.
      If i hold my eth on binance, they are stating that they will give a 1:1 ratio if the fork does happen.
      Does this mean ill be losing all my wth for the new ethw or will i just be gaining ethw and keeping the eth i have so i can stake it?

    5. dont be fooled by portugal "tax-friendliness". our government is just slow as fuck to act on any fucking thing. eventually they will tax the shit out of it. be carefull

    6. Always good to hear your thoughtful and logical analysis. I don't care about bullish or bearish market. Trade a small percentage of your portfolio rather than going in and out every couple weeks trying to time the market trading went smooth for me as I was able to raise over 8.4 BTC when I started at 3 BTC in just few weeks implementing Donovan Howard's daily trading signals and tips..

    7. You asked about exchanges, my main one is etoro, second one is Binance, third is Coinbase.
      Also you asked me to personally message you, after i made the graphic comment re sandbox. How do I message you?

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