Russian officials have confirmed they will not resume operations of the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline, after a meeting of G7 finance ministers agreed to impose a price cap on Russian oil exports.

    Europe is facing an energy crisis as it heads towards its first winter since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and Brussels is accusing Russia of using gas as an economic weapon.


    1. The G7 are so stupid. Russia doesn't need Nord Stream. China and India will take all the gas Russia can apply. All they did was raise the already ridiculously high price of gas to the EU.

    2. It going to be a hard winter for Europe. Europeans please prepare for a hard winter as your leaders will do nothing as they care more about optics than governing for their people.

    3. You left out the fact that Germany is not buying gas from Russia, but is buying the same Russian gas from China at massive mark ups!!!! Our enemy isn't Russia, it's our own damn governments.

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