Russia has cut the supply of gas through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline to Europe.

    The pipeline, operated by the Russian state-owned energy company Gazprom, cited the pipeline would be out of action for three days due to maintenance.

    Gas supply from Russia through the pipeline has already been reduced, and there are concerns the recent move by Moscow is in retaliation for Western sanctions imposed after the invasion of Ukraine.

    Wholesale gas prices across Europe have risen nearly 400 per cent in the last year.


    1. You reap what you sow. Europe at the behest of the US started the sanctions war on Russia with the aim to destroy the Russian economy and hurt Russian civilians. Thats a declaration of war.
      Can some remind me why Russia should sell anything to Europe at this point?
      Things are not looking good for the EU now throwing a tantrum…
      Toddlers the helm

    2. Germany is the industrial powerhouse of Europe… which needs a lot of gas, and winter is approaching…

      Yes, their economy is starting to plummet and they're going to drag the rest of Europe with them.

      But, don't worry, clearly the US will benefit in selling them a fraction of the gas they got from Russia at 3 to 4 times the cost (because the infrastructure is clearly not there to deliver the same volume at the same cost) and Europe will also become more dependent on US industrial goods…

      Great play USA! You got Europe to break political-economic ties with Russia, are hammering down their industrial capacity, got Europe to increase their military budget (and they're paying for it), got them to accept more US troops on European soil, and have expanded your oil/gas/industrial goods market into Europe… and all for "democracy".


    3. If there is a 'silver lining' to the Ukraine conflict it is this, a fast-forward snapshot of what the future holds when ideological stupid 'green' ideas and greed overtake common sense, rational thought, and care for the countries citizens.

    4. hey germany from the usa, you laughed at trump when he told you in public at the u.n this would happen, heres an american words to you '''Tuff fuck''

    5. When belligerent morons place ridiculous, unnecessary sanctions onto a country, while calling them appalling names, the same nation who supplies 80% of your oil and natural gas, what did you expect was going to happen? There has still been 3600 ships, with over a billion dollars worth of wood and various products shipped to the USA during the so-called period of "sanctions" also! So much for isolating your faux enemy.

    6. just like the really cold winter in germany. Berlin saw 3cm of snow in the last 10 years. but we are gonna freeze to death according to the news because russia turned off the gas. we in europe have wood stoves and lots of wood/coal from sweden/poland. also euro houses have 40cm thick walls with insulation on the outside and clay roofs not wooden carboard walls covered with foil.

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