Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that Moscow is ready to start pumping gas through the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Putin, who was attending the Eastern Economic Forum, added that it can start Nord Stream 1 if it gets the turbines. Russia halted Nord Stream 1 flows after Gazprom said that it discovered a fault during maintenance last week. Europe has accused Russia of using energy as an economic weapon in response to the sanctions. Russian Duma speaker Vyacheslav Volodin has said that Europe could solve its energy crisis by launching the Nord Stream 2 project. German Parliament’s Vice President Wolfgang Kubicki has also called on to activate Nord Stream 2 project.
    #Putin #Nordstream2 #Russia #Germany #Europe #Russiangas #Ukraine #WorldNews

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    1. When EU can impose sanctions and supply weapons to Ukraine, Russia has every right to take steps to protect its interest so economic sanctions are double edged weapons.

    2. A little off the subject.
      If it is true Russia has been bombing the Z nuclear power plant, why hasn't Russia bombed the natural gas facilities?

    3. Why would anyone believe anything this trash has to say now? Trusting Putin is what got you in the place you're in now. By your energy from your allies. It shouldn't be that hard.

    4. it's as if a child is losing a mental battle with his parents then offers to go to bed on time as a condition of capitulation by the parents…LOL..FUck Putin. die Orcs…and oh man, they are dying by the droves.

    5. If Europe took the green handcuffs off itself there would be no issue here. Germany will just declare coal and nuclear as “green” and all will be fine again…

    6. Putin is already coming back on his knees, to sell his gaz… Please please, dont start buying again from that demon.. Tomorrow he will use his money again to murder and violate his neighbors..

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