For more:

    Russia has indefinitely suspended the gas supply to Germany through the Nord Stream pipeline, citing an oil leak in a turbine. This coincided with the G7 finance ministers announcing a price cap on Russian oil, sparking concerns over energy prices and growth. How can Europe cope? And how could the power crunch affect a crises-hit world economy?

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    1. The collective west is ridiculously funny, they sanctioned Russian's energy and punishing countries that dont abide the sanction and yet, they are allowed to break or bypass their sanction.

    2. Lest one forgets, the rich West is rich only because of the plunders of the resources, both natural and human, it conducted during their era of colonisation across the globe, from Asia to West Asia to the African continent. For some of the countries, especially on the African continent, the colonial era plunder has not ended, just in a different form.
      Were it not for the wealth plundered, then and now, the "rich west" would be the very S-Hole countries Trumpy called some of the African countries not too long ago.

    3. Bad Show, Ms. Tian Wei:. Your Staff failed you in selecting domestic Guest speakers. One Guest said that the NS1 cutoff was a good thing for the long term hoping on "renewables" – NS2 was designed to Pump NatGas+Hydrogen for that Transition which was scuttled by "Fake Environmentalist" Green Party Members Habeck and Baerbock (neither Education/Vocation in the Bio/Enviro Sciences). There aren't enough "renewables" in the Infrastructure Now to even consider a transition. * Both Guests questioned Russia's "Reliability"; and Sleboda was correct in rebuking them. ANYONE with a brain who has read into the situation knows that Russia ALWAYS have been reliable Energy Traders. USA+GBR led NATO/EU are the ones playing Foul. Payments converted to ₽UB was done since U$D+€UR Reserves were STOLEN by the West. Crude Oil PxCaps are already Backfiring since OPEC+ announced Production Cuts for October – they won't allow NATO/EU to dictate Px. Russia+Iran are planning on a NatGas Cartel. CHN+IND+OtherAsia will buy up and surpass the "lost" RUS-EU Oil+NatGas Trade Volumes in no time; and both CHN+IND are growing their Economies at 5~7% Annually. This is a "Decoupling and Collective Sufficiencies" of the SCO/BRICS/SilkRoad from the PetroU$D+€UR Market Manipulations. Your domestic Guests are just feeding off the Western Propaganda – might as well call the CPC to do background checks on them. Europe are "Owned" by the United States from this. German Firms will have to shift production to CHN or sell off their plants to CHN Entities. So Sad, Too Bad. Self-Inflicted; and CHN will prosper as they avoid the European Follies. Best Regards.

    4. Great reporting.
      European union will invade/ destabilize Nigeria n other African oil producers countries to control their oil fields. Here we go again, African blood will run like water once again.

    5. Europe put the sanctions on Russia to comply with the American led NATO orders. The US began targeting Russian gas when they sanctioned NordStream 2 while it was under construction. Russia has been supplying gas and oil to Europe since 1980. Let the Europeans pay $25.00/Mwh for American LNG and completely destroy the livelihoods of every European. Meanwhile the fat cats in America are seeing record profits in the billions of dollars per day creating an inflationary cycle to empty the pockets of the working poor.

    6. Just forget about oil & gas from Russia. Just forget about it and plan on not using it ever again. Will it be hard? Sure, but this is war. Is this just war between Ukraine and Russia? Not even close. Ukraine is fighting the war to protect all the rest of us from what happens next. Ukraine is taking the beating, loosing family members and homes and friends and whole neighborhoods, cities and towns. They are taking the beating for all the rest of us. No oil or gas is a problem, but we can stay with each other, help each other, live with less, walk more, figure out new ways for ourselves and our countries. Ukraine is taking the beating so you don't have to.

    7. The EU has been hijacked by the demon's legions, Ursula von der Leyen, Jens Stoltenberg and other such blips, simply because the people have been lulled into a trance. Hence, we see such political fools, Johnson, Scholz, Macron, even miniscule Ireland's Coveney, yesteryears' narcissists still trying to elevate themselves on this circuit of fools, frenzied flies fatally attracted to the putrid excrements of hell.

    8. Using energy as a 'weapon' isn't a good analogy anymore. A weapon is a tool you use to shoot at your enemy, but what has happened was a permanent change in Europe's ability to buy Russian gas. The strategy of fixing the turbine, then another one breaking, and either the Canadians or Germans have it, but can't get the paperwork because of sanctions …. this was a kind of psychological war of repeated hope and disappointment, over and over, to wear them out emotionally. But I think it's ended and the gas will be shut off from now on.

    9. Well EU is in Celebration of Thanks giving Day to America they forgotten Ukraine War now . Cursing their heads not reminding them Russia can be more friendly in need of Time .
      They are reminding China please heat us in winter and need of oil for massage the body need your Energy to rejunivate our lifeboat .

    10. EU should look after the present situation and ease the suffering of the general populace. They could talk peace & get the energy flowing – perhaps get the gas & business going. Other long term objectives could come later – when they are in a position to do so.

    11. Duty, Honor, Country. Those three hallowed words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can be, what you will be.Europe is hopeless if kept following US order.

    12. Problem is the Ukraine War and U$, EU sanctions to Russia . Now talking about price cap. That aggravated the situation. How can buyer dictate the energy price. Forgetting about weaponizing!!! U$ n NATO is the culprits of weaponizing essential on Russia. It normal for a tick for tack,!! Good work, n keep it up RUSSIA.

    13. As always CGTN puts together a very smart and well informed panel to discuss this vital topic—-thanks to Tian Wei who is expert in moderating the discussion and directing the conversation.

    14. mark sleboda won this. i dont know who those 2 asian gentlemen are but they need to wake the hell up. russias pivot to the east will encapsulate 2 billion consumers from china and india to start with . this world has a new direction. its called multipolar multilateral adhering to the un international law. not rules based order or g7 or bullshit. that old system of theft and threats, sanctions & tarrifs is over

    15. Једном кад јаје од 1 ма чега поскупи на 1.5 никада се цијена вратити неће до какве револуције рата грађанских немира
      Али није мени никакав проблем што запад ради они имају кризу моралности која постаје све већа и већа.
      Проблем је на примјер што нећете ви у Кини и Русији Индонезији Вијетнаму то знати искористити
      Код вас технички све цијене треба да си исте а у овој новој цивилизације (ох само их 42 државе и гдје који глупани који хоће да се сликају за ЦНН типа Казахстан Георгија и на све то ваш председник Кине оде у Казахстан)
      Код вас у територи не смије ништа да се деси са економијама а њих ће погодити рецесија

      Златно доба Кине али ваљда за све треба бити стручњак

      Не може човјек са платом од 1500 еура плаћати стан 700 струју воду гас 500 и на све то учествовати у економији као да се ништа не дешава
      Док код вас тога нема ако буде онда сте страшно глупи

      И онда сав запад (људи обични) се још више мора ослањати на кинеске јефтиније производе

      Само наравно можеш ти имати шта хоћеш али се и даље може прокоцкати све
      Киев таква добра армија а глупи генерали и нема више Киев

      Није ми јасно како тако мисле
      "мало ће се то препуцати лијево десно" они ће се препасти и крај
      Ако није одмах јер не може недају американци а њима пак други који владају Украином да би вам хероји били јер шта друго направити у својој земљи
      Значи наоружавати ће сваки дан све боље и боље и бити ће све већи и већи рат
      Зашто то не виде руски генерали

    16. EU wanted to be free from Russia Gas. They sanctioned Russia, they stole more than 300 Billions from Russia, they blocked the bank and put other stupid restrictions on Russia.

      So Russia helped them by turning off the Gas to Europe.
      EU now have what they wished for.

      They should be happy, very happy.
      They don't need Russia to stay warm this winter.

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